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Meaning of GENERATOR

Pronunciation:  'jenu`reytur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  engine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by electromagnetic induction
  2. [n]  an apparatus that produces a vapor or gas
  3. [n]  an electronic device for producing a signal voltage
  4. [n]  someone who originates or causes or initiates something; "he was the generator of several complaints"
 Synonyms: author, source
 See Also: aerogenerator, alternator, apparatus, brush, coiner, dynamo, electronic device, engine, magneto, magnetoelectric machine, maker, oscillator, pulse generator, rotor, rotor coil, setup, shaper, stator, stator coil, turbogenerator, wind generator, windmill



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Gen"er*a`tor\, n. [L.]
    1. One who, or that which, generates, begets, causes, or
    2. An apparatus in which vapor or gas is formed from a liquid
       or solid by means of heat or chemical process, as a steam
       boiler, gas retort, or vessel for generating carbonic acid
       gas, etc.
    3. (Mus.) The principal sound or sounds by which others are
       produced; the fundamental note or root of the common
       chord; -- called also {generating tone}.
  2. \Gen"er*a`tor\, n. (Elec.)
    Any machine that transforms mechanical into electrical
    energy; a dynamo.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: AC motor, accelerator, actuator, aeromotor, agent, air engine, alternator, ammeter, amplifier, ancestors, anode, apprentice, architect, armature, artificer, artist, attenuator, audio-frequency tube, author, autoconverter, autostarter, autotransformer, ballast regulator, ballast tube, battery charger, beam engine, beam-switching tube, bearings, begetter, beginner, blowing engine, bonnet, boot, brake, brush, bucket seat, builder, bumper, cam engine, camshaft, cap, capacitator, capacitor, capacitor motor, carburetor, catalyst, cathode, causer, charger, chassis, choke, choking coil, clock, clutch, coil, commutator, commutator motor, compensated motor, compensator, compound motor, conceiver, condenser, condensing engine, connecting rod, constructor, control relay, control resistor, controller, converter, convertible top, convertor, Corliss engine, coupling, cowl, craftsman, crank, crankcase, crankshaft, creator, current regulator, cutout, cylinder, cylinder head, damper, dash, dashboard, designer, detector, deviser, diagonal engine, differential, direct-acting engine, discoverer, discriminator, distributor, donkey engine, doubler, dynamo, dynamotor, effector, electric motor, electrode, electrophorus, electroscope, engenderer, engineer, executor, executrix, exhaust, exhaust pipe, fan, father, feedback amplifier, fender, fire engine, flywheel, focus tube, founder, fuse, galvanic pile, galvanoscope, gas turbine engine, gear, gearbox, gearshift, grid, ground, grower, headlight, headrest, hood, horn, hot-air engine, hydraulic engine, hydro-jet, iconoscope, ignition, impulse duct engine, inaugurator, inductor, industrialist, initiator, inspirer, instigator, institutor, insulator, intake, interrupter, introducer, inventor, inverted engine, inverter, ion engine, ion rocket, jet, journeyman, jumper, lightning rod, limiter, local-oscillator tube, magnet, magnetic relay, magneto, magnetoscope, maker, manifold, manufacturer, master, master craftsman, meter relay, mixer tube, modulator, mother, motor-generator, mover, muffler, multiplier, multipurpose tube, multivibrator, organizer, originator, oscillator, oscilloscope, Otto engine, outboard motor, outlet, output tube, pancake engine, parent, parking light, past master, patriarch, PCV valve, phase inverter, picture tube, pile, piston, piston engine, piston-valve engine, planner, plasma engine, plug, pocket, points, portable engine, power brakes, power steering, power tube, precursor, pressure transducer, prime mover, primum mobile, producer, pulse generator, pulse-jet engine, pumping engine, push button, radial engine, radiator, radio-frequency tube, raiser, ramjet, ramjet engine, reactor, realizer, rear-view mirror, receiving tube, receptacle, reciprocating engine, rectifier, rectifier tube, refrigerating engine, regenerator, regulator, relay, reluctance amplifier, repeater, resistance box, resistor, resojet engine, rheostat, rocket engine, rocket motor, rotary engine, rotary-piston engine, rotor motor, seat belt, self-starter, selsyn, servo amplifier, servomotor, shaper, shock absorber, shunt, shunt motor, sire, smith, socket, spark coil, spark plug, speedometer, springs, starter, steam engine, steering wheel, step-down transformer, supercharged engine, switch, synchronous converter, synchronous motor, tap, terminal, thermal timing relay, three-phase motor, time switch, timer, toggle switch, top, traction engine, transducer, transformer, transmission, transmitter, trickle charger, trigger tube, turbine, turbojet, turbojet engine, universal, valve, variable-speed motor, vernier engine, vertical engine, voltage changer, voltage regulator, voltage transformer, Wankel engine, windscreen, windshield, wright