Meaning of FIX
Pronunciation: | | fiks
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
1. Federal Information Exchange. 2. Financial Information eXchange.
1. The fixed point combinator. Called Y in combinatory logic. Fix is a higher-order function which returns a fixed point of its argument (which is a function). fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f) Which satisfies the equation fix f = x such that f x = x. Somewhat surprisingly, fix can be defined as the non-recursive lambda abstraction: fix = \ h . (\ x . h (x x)) (\ x . h (x x)) Since this involves self-application, it has an infinite type. A function defined by f x1 .. xN = E can be expressed as f = fix (\ f . \ x1 ... \ xN . E)
= (\ f . \ x1 ... \xN . E)
(fix (\ f . \ x1 ... \ xN . E))
= let f = (fix (\ f . \ x1 ... \ xN . E))
in \ x1 ... \xN . E If f does not occur free in E (i.e. it is not recursive) then this reduces to simply f = \ x1 ... \ xN . E In the case where N = 0 and f is free in E, this defines an infinite data object, e.g. ones = fix (\ ones . 1 : ones)
= (\ ones . 1 : ones) (fix (\ ones . 1 : ones))
= 1 : (fix (\ ones . 1 : ones))
= 1 : 1 : ... Fix f is also sometimes written as mu f where mu is the Greek letter or alternatively, if f = \ x . E, written as mu x . E. Compare quine. [Jargon File] 2. bug fix.
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | acclimate, acclimatize, accommodate, accord, accustom, adapt, adjust, adjust to, affix, afford proof of, aim, aim at, align, allocate, allot, alter, amend, anchor, annex, antitoxin, apportion, approach, arrange, array, ascertain, aspect, assign, assimilate, assure, astronavigation, attach, attend to, attitude, attune, auger, azimuth, baffle, bafflement, bag, bang, base, be quits, bearing, bearings, beat, beat all hollow, beat hollow, bed, belay, bend, best, bewilderment, bite, blast, block out, blot out, booster, booster dose, booster shot, bore, bother, bound, box, break, break in, bribe, brighten up, bring home to, broach, brush up, build, build in, bump off, buy, buy off, carve, case, case harden, cast, castrate, catch, celestial navigation, cement, certify, change, chart, chisel, chronometer, cinch, circle in, circumscribe, circumstance, clamp, clear for action, clear the decks, clear up, clinch, close, close with, coastwise navigation, cobble, codify, collocate, come down on, commission, compose, concenter, concentrate, conclude, condition, confirm, confoundment, confusion, consolan, cook, cook up, coordinate, corner, corrupt, count, countersink, cramp, create, croak, cure, cut, cut to, darn, dead reckoning, deal, deal out, decide, deck, decrease, deep-dye, defeat, define, delimit, delimitate, demarcate, demonstrate, denominate, deploy, desexualize, designate, destroy, determine, dilemma, direct, directionize, discomposure, disconcert, disconcertedness, disconcertion, disconcertment, dish, dismiss all doubt, dispose, distribute, disturbance, divide, do for, do in, do up, doctor, domesticate, domesticize, dose, draft, dress, drill, dropping, drub, drug packet, efform, emasculate, embarrassment, embed, emend, empierce, emplace, enclose, engraft, engrave, enigma, ensure, entrench, equalize, erase, establish, estate, etch, eunuchize, even the score, exposure, familiarize, fashion, fasten, figure, find, find out, fit, fix on, fix up, fixate, focus, follow, follow from, footing, forge, form, formalize, found, frame, frame up, freshen, frontage, furbish, furbish up, gear to, geld, gentle, get, get a fix, get at, get even with, get ready, get to, give it to, give the business, gore, gouge, gouge out, graft, grapple, grease, grease the palm, ground, gun down, habituate, harden, harmonize, have, have a case, hew, hide, hit, hold good, hold on, hold water, hole, home in on, homologate, homologize, honeycomb, hors de combat, housebreak, hypodermic, hypodermic injection, ice, impact, impale, implant, impress, imprint, increase, inculcate, indicate, infix, ingrain, injection, inoculation, inscribe, install, instill, insure, inure, invest, jam, jet injection, key to, knead, knit, knock out, KO, lambaste, lance, lather, lay, lay off, lay out, lay the foundation, level at, lick, lick into shape, lie, line, line of position, line up, localize, locate, location, lodge, loran, lot, lubricate, mainlining, make, make a decision, make arrangements, make certain, make fast, make good, make no doubt, make no mistake, make out, make plumb, make preparations, make quits, make ready, make sure, make sure of, make uniform, make up, mark, mark boundaries, mark off, mark out, mark the periphery, marshal, measure, mend, mention, methodize, mint, mobilize, modality, mode, model, mold, moor, mutilate, mystery, nail down, name, narcotic injection, narcotic shot, naturalize, navigate, needle, neuter, nonplus, normalize, number, off, organize, orient, orientate, orientation, outclass, outdo, outfight, outgeneral, outmaneuver, outpoint, outrun, outsail, outshine, overdose, overhaul, pack, pack the deal, parcel, parcel out, pass, patch, patch up, pay, pay off, pay out, penetrate, perforate, perplexity, perturbation, pick out, pickle, pierce, pilotage, pin down, pink, pinpoint, pitch, place, plan, plane sailing, plant, plight, plot, point, point at, point out, point to, point-to-point navigation, polish, polish off, polish up, popping, portion, position, position line, posture, pother, potion, prearrange, preconcert, precontrive, predesign, predicament, premeditate, preorder, prep, prepare, present, pretreat, prick, print, problem, process, proportion, prove, prove to be, prove true, provide, punch, puncture, punish, purchase, purpose, put, put in, put in commission, put in order, put in place, put in repair, put in shape, put in tune, put to, put up, puzzle, puzzlement, quandary, quantify, quantize, radar, radio beacon, radio bearing, radio navigation, rally, range, rank, rate, rationalize, reach, ready, ready up, ream, ream out, reassure, rebuild, recap, reconcile, recondition, reconstruct, rectify, reduce, regiment, regularize, regulate, remove all doubt, renovate, repair, resolve, retouch, retread, revamp, revise, revive, riddle, rig, right, rivet, root, rope off, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, routinize, rub out, rub up, ruin, rule, run through, scheme, scrape, screw up, sculpt, sculpture, scuttle, seal, season, seat, secure, see that, see to it, select, serve one out, service, set, set at rest, set in, set out, set right, set the limit, set to, set to rights, set up, settle, settle preliminaries, settle the matter, settle the score, settle with, sew up, sextant, shape, shine, shoot down, shooting up, shoran, shot, show, sight on, signify, similarize, sink, situate, situation, skewer, skin, skin alive, skin-popping, sofar, sonar, sop, sort out, space, spay, spear, specialize, specify, spike, spit, spot, spruce, spruce up, square, square accounts, stab, stabilize, stack the cards, stake out, stamp, standardize, standing, state, station, status, steady, stereotype, stew, stick, stipulate, straighten out, suborn, surround, sync, synchronize, systematize, tables, tailor, take a resolution, take care of, take revenge, tame, tamper with, tan, tap, thermoform, thrash, tickle the palm, tighten, tinker, tinker up, tone up, torpedo, touch up, train, train upon, transfix, transpierce, treat, trepan, trephine, triangulate, trice up, trim, trim to, triumph over, trounce, true, true up, try out, tune, tune up, turn, turn upon, unassuredness, undo, unsex, upset, vaccination, vaccine, vamp, vamp up, vest, waste, wedge, whip, will, wipe out, wont, work, work out, worst, zap, zero in on |