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Meaning of CARVE

Pronunciation:  kârv

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  cut to pieces; "Father carved the ham"
  2. [v]  form by carving; "Carve a flower from the ice"
  3. [v]  engrave or cut by chipping away at a surface; "carve one's name into the bark"
 Synonyms: chip at, cut up
 See Also: break off, carve up, chip, chisel, cut, cut off, dissever, divide, engrave, filet, fillet, forge, form, fret, grave, hew, hew out, inscribe, knap, mold, mould, sculpt, sculpture, separate, shape, shave, split, split up, work



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Carve\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Carved}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Carving}.] [AS. ceorfan to cut, carve; akin to D. kerven, G.
    kerben, Dan. karve, Sw. karfva, and to Gr. ? to write, orig.
    to scatch, and E. -graphy. Cf. {Graphic}.]
    1. To cut. [Obs.]
             Or they will carven the shepherd's throat.
    2. To cut, as wood, stone, or other material, in an artistic
       or decorative manner; to sculpture; to engrave.
             Carved with figures strange and sweet. --Coleridge.
    3. To make or shape by cutting, sculpturing, or engraving; to
       form; as, to carve a name on a tree.
             An angel carved in stone.             --Tennyson.
             We carved not a line, and we raised not a stone.
                                                   --C. Wolfe.
    4. To cut into small pieces or slices, as meat at table; to
       divide for distribution or apportionment; to apportion.
       ``To carve a capon.'' --Shak.
    5. To cut: to hew; to mark as if by cutting.
             My good blade carved the casques of men. --Tennyson.
             A million wrinkles carved his skin.   --Tennyson.
    6. To take or make, as by cutting; to provide.
             Who could easily have carved themselves their own
             food.                                 --South.
    7. To lay out; to contrive; to design; to plan.
             Lie ten nights awake carving the fashion of a new
             doublet.                              --Shak.
    {To carve out}, to make or get by cutting, or as if by
       cutting; to cut out. ``[Macbeth] with his brandished steel
       . . . carved out his passage.'' --Shak.
             Fortunes were carved out of the property of the
             crown.                                --Macaulay.
  2. \Carve\, v. i.
    1. To exercise the trade of a sculptor or carver; to engrave
       or cut figures.
    2. To cut up meat; as, to carve for all the guests.
  3. \Carve\, n.
    A carucate. [Obs.] --Burrill.
Easton Bible Dictionary

The arts of engraving and carving were much practised among the Jews. They were practised in connection with the construction of the tabernacle and the temple (Ex. 31:2, 5; 35:33; 1 Kings 6:18, 35; Ps. 74:6), as well as in the ornamentation of the priestly dresses (Ex. 28:9-36; Zech. 3:9; 2 Chr. 2:7, 14). Isaiah (44:13-17) gives a minute description of the process of carving idols of wood.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: allot, amputate, apportion, assemble, autolithograph, ax, be a printmaker, bisect, block out, book, butcher, calendar, canal, canalize, carve up, cast, catalog, chalk, chalk up, chamfer, channel, character, chase, check in, chip, chisel, chop, chronicle, cleave, convert, corrugate, crack, crease, create, cribble, crimp, crosshatch, cultivate, cut, cut away, cut in two, cut off, cut up, dado, dichotomize, dike, dissect, dissever, ditch, divide, divide into shares, divide up, divide with, divvy up, docket, efform, enchase, engrave, enroll, enscroll, enter, excise, extract, fashion, figure, file, fill out, fissure, fix, flute, forge, form, formalize, found, frame, furrow, gash, goffer, gouge, grave, groove, grow, gully, hack, halve, harvest, hatch, hew, impanel, incise, index, inscribe, insculpture, insert, jigsaw, jot down, knead, knock out, lance, lay out, lick into shape, line, list, lithograph, log, machine, make a memorandum, make a note, make an entry, make out, make prints, mark, mark down, matriculate, mill, mine, mint, minute, model, mold, note, note down, parcel, parcel out, pare, part, partition, place upon record, pleat, plow, poll, portion, post, post up, print, process, prune, pump, put down, put in writing, put on paper, put on tape, rabbet, raise, rear, record, reduce to writing, refine, register, rend, rifle, rive, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, rut, saw, scissor, score, scrape, scratch, sculp, sculpt, sculpture, set, set down, sever, shape, share, share out, share with, slash, slice, slice the pie, slice up, slit, smelt, snip, solder, split, split up, stamp, stipple, streak, striate, subdivide, sunder, tabulate, tailor, take down, tape, tape-record, tear, thermoform, tool, trench, trough, videotape, weld, whittle, work, wrinkle, write, write down, write in, write out, write up