Meaning of BOX
Pronunciation: | | bâks
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming of a box means your instinctual nature and destructive impulses. Alternatively, you may be trying to preserve and protect some aspect of yourself. The box may also symbolize your limitations and restrictions.
Dreaming that you are opening a box indicates that things are being revealed about yourself that were once hidden. Consider your feelings as you open the box. If opening the box fills you will fear, you may be uncovering aspects of yourself that make you feel anxious. Also consider the pun, "being boxed in". |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | archives, armory, arsenal, attic, auditorium, award, bag, balcony, bank, barrel, basement, basket, battle, bay, bin, birthday present, blind alley, blip, blockhouse, blow, bonded warehouse, bookcase, booth, bottle, box in, box seat, box the ears, box up, brawl, broil, buffet, bungalow, bunker, burden, burial case, buttery, cabin, caboose, cadeau, camp, can, capsule, cargo dock, carton, case, cask, casket, cavity, cell, cellar, cellule, chalet, chamber, chest, chop, Christmas present, circumscribe, clash, close, closet, clout, coffin, collide, combat, come to blows, compartment, confine, conservatory, contend, contest, corner, cot, cote, cottage, cramp, crate, crib, crypt, cuff, cul-de-sac, cupboard, cut, cut and thrust, dead end, dead-end street, deadlock, depository, depot, dock, drawer, dress circle, duel, dump, embox, embrace, encapsulate, encase, enclosed space, encyst, enfold, enshroud, envelop, enwrap, exchange blows, exchequer, extremity, fairing, fauteuil, fence, feud, fight, fight a duel, fill, fix, flap, freight, gallery, gift, give and take, give satisfaction, glory hole, godown, grapple, grapple with, halt, hamper, handsel, haymaker, heap, heap up, hem, hem in, hold, hole, hollow, hutch, impasse, invest, jam, jar, jostle, joust, keep from spreading, keep within bounds, kist, lade, lap, lash, library, limit, load, localize, locker, lodge, log cabin, loge, love nest, lumber room, lumberyard, magasin, magazine, manger, mass, mix it up, mummy case, narrow, nigger heaven, oblation, offering, orchestra, orchestra circle, pack, pack away, package, paradise, parcel, parquet, parquet circle, parterre, paste, peace offering, peanut gallery, pew, pickle, pied-a-terre, pile, pit, plight, pocket, pot, present, presentation, proscenium boxes, punch, qualify, quarrel, rack, rassle, repertory, repository, reservoir, restrict, rick, riot, run a tilt, sack, sarcophagus, scramble, scrape, scuffle, shack, shanty, sheathe, shelf, ship, shroud, skirmish, slap, slap the face, smack, smother, snuggery, sock, spank, spar, spot, stack, stack room, stalemate, stall, stand, standing room, standstill, stint, stock room, stop, storage, store, storehouse, storeroom, stow, strike, stripe, strive, struggle, supply base, supply depot, surround, swaddle, swathe, tank, theatre stall, thrust and parry, tighten, tilt, tin, token punishment, tourney, treasure house, treasure room, treasury, tribute, tussle, vat, vault, wage war, war, warehouse, whack, whip, white elephant, whomp, wine cellar, wrap, wrap about, wrap up, wrestle |