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Pronunciation:  di'pâzi`towree

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a facility where things can be deposited for safekeeping
 Synonyms: deposit, repository
 See Also: archive, archives, bank, bank building, depository library, depot, drop, entrepot, facility, installation, library, lost-and-found, museum, repertory, sperm bank, storage, storage space, store, storehouse, treasury



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\De*pos"i*to*ry\ (-t[-o]*r[y^]), n.; pl.
{Depositories} (-r[i^]z).
1. A place where anything is deposited for sale or keeping;
   as, warehouse is a depository for goods; a clerk's office
   is a depository for records.
2. One with whom something is deposited; a depositary.
         I am the sole depository of my own secret, and it
         shall perish with me.                 --Junius.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: archives, armory, arsenal, attic, bank, basement, bay, bin, bonded warehouse, bookcase, box, bunker, bursary, buttery, cargo dock, cash register, cashbox, cellar, chest, closet, coffer, coin box, conservatory, crate, crib, cupboard, depot, dock, drawer, dump, exchequer, fisc, Fort Knox, glory hole, godown, gold depository, hold, hutch, library, locker, lumber room, lumberyard, magasin, magazine, money chest, penny bank, piggy bank, pork barrel, public crib, public till, public treasury, public trough, rack, repertory, repository, reservoir, rick, safe, safe-deposit box, shelf, stack, stack room, stock room, storage, store, storehouse, storeroom, strong room, strongbox, subtreasury, supply base, supply depot, tank, till, treasure house, treasure room, treasure-house, treasury, vat, vault, warehouse, wine cellar