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| Related Terms: | | abandoned, able, above, absolve, accessible, acquit, adrift, affranchise, afloat, afoot and lighthearted, allowed, amnesty, approachable, arbitrary, artless, as a gift, as our guest, at large, at leisure, at liberty, at loose ends, at will, autarchic, autarkic, autonomous, available, bald, bare, bighearted, bluff, blunt, bounteous, bountiful, break loose, break out, broad, brusque, candid, cast off, casual, charitable, cleanse, cleanse away, clear, clear of, cleared, communicative, complimentary, conversable, costless, cut loose, debauched, decontaminate, deliver, delivered, democratic, demonstrative, deobstruct, deserted, destigmatize, detach, detached, diffuse, direct, disburden, discharge, disclose, disclosed, discretional, discretionary, disembarrass, disembroil, disencumber, disengage, disengaged, disentangle, disenthrall, disinvolve, disjoin, dislodge, dismiss, dispense from, dispense with, disperse, dissipated, dissolute, doff, downright, ease, ease off, easy, easygoing, effusive, elective, eleemosynary, emancipate, emancipated, empty, enfranchise, enfranchised, escaped, except, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exempt from, exonerate, expansive, expenseless, explicit, expose, exposed, extra, extract, extricate, extricated, extroverted, fallow, fast, fled, floating, flown, footloose, footloose and fancy-free, for free, for love, for nothing, for the asking, forgive, forsaken, forthright, frank, frankhearted, free and easy, free as air, free for nothing, free from, free gratis, free of, free of charge, free of cost, free up, free will, freebie, freeborn, free-born, freed, freehanded, freehearted, freely, free-speaking, free-spoken, free-tongued, fugitive, furlough, gallant, gay, generous, genuine, get out, giftlike, give absolution, give dispensation from, give release, give respite, given, giving, gossipy, gracious, grant amnesty to, grant immunity, grant remission, gratis, gratuitous, gratuitously, greathearted, handsome, heart-to-heart, honest, hospitable, idle, in the clear, independent, individualistic, informal, ingenuous, intermit, jobless, justify, large, largehearted, lavish, leisure, leisured, let go, let loose, let off, let out, let up, liberal, liberate, liberated, licentious, loose, loosely, loosen, lumpen, magnanimous, manifest, manumit, munificent, naked, natural, newsy, nonmandatory, nonpros, off, off duty, off work, offered, on one, on parole, on the house, on the loose, open, openhanded, open-handed, openhearted, openly, optional, out, out of, out of employ, out of harness, out of work, outgoing, outright, outspoken, pardon, parole, patefy, permitted, plain, plain-spoken, princely, proffered, profligate, profuse, purge, purge away, quash the charge, quit, quit of, rakehell, rakehellish, rakehelly, rakish, ransom, recover, redeem, redeemed, relax, relaxed, release, released, relieve, remise, remit, remove, reprieve, rescue, rescued, retired, retrieve, reveal, rickety, rid, rid of, round, runaway, salvage, save, save the necessity, scatter, scot-free, self-acting, self-active, self-determined, self-determining, self-directing, self-governed, self-governing, self-revealing, self-revelatory, semiretired, separate, set at large, set at liberty, set free, shaky, shed of, shrive, shut of, sincere, slack, slack off, slacken, sociable, sovereign, spare, spontaneous, spring, sprung, stintless, straight, straightforward, straight-out, suspend, take off, talkative, tear loose, tenantless, to his heirs, transparent, unanchored, unasked, unattached, unbar, unbesought, unbidden, unbind, unblock, unbolt, unbought, unbound, unbridled, unbuckle, unburden, unbutton, uncage, uncalled-for, uncase, unceremonious, unchain, unchained, unchecked, unclasp, unclench, unclog, unclogged, unclosed, unclutch, unclutter, uncoerced, uncommitted, uncompelled, unconditional, unconditioned, unconfined, unconstrained, uncontrolled, uncork, uncover, uncovered, uncurtain, undo, undone, undrape, unemployable, unemployed, unencumbered, unengaged, unenslaved, unequivocal, unfasten, unfastened, unfetter, unfettered, unfilled, unfixed, unfold, unforced, unfoul, unglue, ungrudging, unguarded, unhampered, unhidden, unhindered, unimpeded, uninfluenced, uninhabited, uninhibited, uninvited, uninvolved, unknot, unlace, unlatch, unleash, unlock, unloose, unloosen, unmanned, unobstructed, unoccupied, unpaid-for, unpeopled, unplug, unpopulated, unpressured, unprompted, unravel, unrepressed, unrequested, unrequired, unreserved, unreservedly, unrestrained, unrestricted, unreticent, unroll, unscramble, unseal, unsecretive, unselfish, unshackle, unshackled, unsheathe, unshrinking, unshut, unsilent, unsnarl, unsolicited, unsought, unsparing, unstaffed, unstick, unstinted, unstinting, unstop, unstopped, unstrap, unstuck, unsuppressed, untaken, untangle, untaxed, untenanted, untended, untie, untied, unused, unveil, unwrap, vacant, vindicate, voluntary, volunteer, weigh anchor, well out of, whitewash, wide-open, wild, willful, with abandon, withdraw the charge, without, without charge, without restraint, without stint |