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Meaning of OUTGOING

Pronunciation:  'awt`gowing

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adj]  going out or away or of the past; "an outgoing steamship"; "the outgoing president"
  2. [adj]  somewhat extroverted
  3. [adj]  at ease in talking to others
 Synonyms: departing(a), effluent, extraversive, extroversive, extroverted, extrovertish, forthcoming, out(a), outbound, outflowing, outward, outward-bound, past(a), preceding(a), retiring(a), sociable
 Antonyms: incoming
 See Also: past



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Out"go`ing\, n.
    1. The act or the state of going out.
             The outgoings of the morning and evening. --Ps. lxv.
    2. That which goes out; outgo; outlay.
    3. The extreme limit; the place of ending. [Obs.]
             The outgoings of the border were at the north bay of
             the salt sea, at the south end of Jordan. --Josh.
                                                   xviii. 19.
  2. \Out"go`ing\, a.
    Going out; departing; as, the outgoing administration; an
    outgoing steamer.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accessible, affable, amenable, amiable, amicable, approachable, candid, communicative, congenial, conversable, cordial, demonstrative, departing, departure, easygoing, effluent, effused, effusive, egress, egression, emeritus, exit, exodus, expansive, extraction, extravasated, extroversive, extrovert, extroverted, familiar, former, forthcoming, frank, free, free-speaking, free-spoken, free-tongued, friendly, genial, going out, gossipy, informal, leaving, newsy, open, other-directed, outbound, outcome, outcoming, outflowing, outgo, outpouring, outspoken, outward-bound, past, retiring, self-revealing, self-revelatory, sociable, talkative, unconstrained, unhampered, unrepressed, unreserved, unrestrained, unrestricted, unreticent, unsecretive, unshrinking, unsilent, unsuppressed, warm, withdrawing