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Meaning of OUTWARD

Pronunciation:  'awtwurd

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adv]  toward the outside; "move the needle further outward!"
  2. [adj]  relating to physical reality rather than with thoughts or the mind; "a concern with outward beauty rather than with inward reflections"
  3. [adj]  that is going out or leaving; "the departing train"; "an outward journey"; "outward-bound ships"
 Synonyms: departing(a), external, outbound, outer, outgoing, outward-bound, outwards
 Antonyms: inward, inward, inwards
 See Also: superficial



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Out"ward\, Outwards \Out"wards\, adv. [AS. ?teweard.
    See {Out}, and {-ward}, {-wards}.]
    From the interior part; in a direction from the interior
    toward the exterior; out; to the outside; beyond; off; away;
    as, a ship bound outward.
          The wrong side may be turned outward.    --Shak.
          Light falling on them is not reflected outwards. --Sir
                                                   I. Newton.
    {Outward bound}, bound in an outward direction or to foreign
       parts; -- said especially of vessels, and opposed to
       {homeward bound}.
  2. \Out"ward\, a.
    1. Forming the superficial part; external; exterior; --
       opposed to {inward}; as, an outward garment or layer.
             Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is
             renewed day by day.                   --Cor. iv. 16.
    2. Of or pertaining to the outer surface or to what is
       external; manifest; public. ``Sins outward.'' --Chaucer.
             An outward honor for an inward toil.  --Shak.
    3. Foreign; not civil or intestine; as, an outward war.
       [Obs.] --Hayward.
    4. Tending to the exterior or outside.
             The fire will force its outward way.  --Dryden.
       -- {Out"ward*ly}, adv. -- {Out"ward*ness}, n.
    {Outward stroke}. (Steam Engine) See under {Stroke}.
  3. \Out"ward\, n.
    External form; exterior. [R.]
          So fair an outward and such stuff within. --Shak.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: apparent, apparently, appearing, bodily, carnal, conventionalized, cortical, epidermic, evident, exomorphic, exterior, exteriorly, external, externally, extraneous, extraorganismal, extrinsic, false, fleshly, foreign, formal, formalist, formalistic, formulary, forth, fringe, impersonal, legalistic, manifest, material, mundane, nominal, nonsubjective, objective, observable, obvious, on the outside, on the surface, open, openly, ostensible, out, outer, outermost, outlying, outmost, outside, outstanding, outward-facing, outwardly, outwards, over, pedantic, peripheral, physical, pretended, public, publically, roundabout, secular, seeming, shallow, skin-deep, stylized, superficial, superficially, surface, temporal, terrestrial, to all appearances, visible, without, worldly