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Meaning of LET OFF

Pronunciation:  let of

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [v]  grant exemption or release to; "Please excuse me from this class"
 Synonyms: excuse, exempt, relieve
 See Also: absolve, frank, free, justify



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Let"-off`\ (l[e^]t"[o^]f`; 115), n. (Mach.)
A device for letting off, releasing, or giving forth, as the
warp from the cylinder of a loom.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: absolve, acquit, amnesty, backfire, blast, blow out, blow up, burst, bust, cast loose, charge, charter, chartered, clear, cock, decontaminate, demobilize, destigmatize, detonate, discharge, dismiss, dispense, dispense from, dispense with, drop, eject, except, excepted, exculpate, excuse, excused, exempt, exempt from, exempted, exonerate, explode, farm, farm out, favored, fell, fire, fire off, forgive, free, fulminate, give absolution, give dispensation from, go bail for, go off, grant amnesty to, grant bail to, grant immunity, grant remission, gun, gun for, hire, hire out, hit, immune, irresponsible, job, justify, lease, lease out, lease-back, lease-lend, lend-lease, let, let fly, let go, let go free, let loose, let out, licensed, load, nonpros, pardon, parole, pelt, pepper, permitted, pick off, pistol, plug, pot, potshoot, potshot, prime, privileged, purge, put on parole, quash the charge, release, released, relieve, remise, remit, rent, rent out, riddle, save the necessity, set free, set off, shoot, shoot at, shoot down, shrive, snipe, spare, spared, strike, sublease, sublet, take a potshot, torpedo, touch off, unaccountable, unanswerable, underlet, unhand, unliable, unsubject, vindicate, whitewash, withdraw the charge