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Meaning of NORMALIZE

Pronunciation:  'normu`lIz

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  toughen (steel or glass) by a process of gradually heating and cooling; "temper glass"
  2. [v]  make normal or cause to conform to a norm or standard; "normalize relations with China"; "normalize the temperature"; "normalize the spelling"
  3. [v]  become normal or return to its normal state; "Let us hope that relations with this country will normalize soon"
 Synonyms: anneal, normalise, renormalise, renormalize, temper
 See Also: alter, change, toughen



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: adjust, arrange, array, assimilate to, balance, chart, codify, conform, control, cool off, coordinate, damp, deploy, dispose, equalize, equilibrize, even, fix, flatten, form, formalize, grade, harmonize, hierarchize, homogenize, lay out, level, line up, make uniform, marshal, methodize, order, organize, pacify, plan, quiet, rank, rationalize, regularize, regulate, routinize, set up, settle, smooth, stabilize, standardize, stereotype, structure, symmetrize, synchronize, systematize, tranquilize, tune, tune up, uniformize