Meaning of CAST
Pronunciation: | | câst
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | a thing for, abandon, abdicate, about ship, account, Ace bandage, achromatism, acting company, actor, add, address, adhesive tape, aesthetic form, affinity, age group, aggregate, aim, air, algebraize, amount, animus, antagonist, antihero, application, appoint, aptitude, aptness, archetype, aroma, arrange, arrangement, art form, assemble, assembled, assign, attribute, back and fill, badge, band, bandage, bandaging, Band-Aid, barf, battalion, be confined, bear, bear a child, bear away, bear off, bear to starboard, bear young, bearing, beat, beat about, bent, bevy, bias, binder, bit, bit part, blaze, blink, block out, blood, blueprint, body, body-build, boot out, born, bounce, bowl, box off, box score, brace, brand, break, breed, brigade, bring about, bring round, bring up, broadcast, bronze, brow, build, built, bullion, bunch, bung, burn, burn in, burn off, button, cabal, cachet, calculate, calve, calved, cant, cant round, carriage, carve, cashier, cast about, cast aside, cast at, cast away, cast of characters, cast of countenance, cast off, cast out, casting, cataplasm, catapult, cauterize, change course, change of pace, change the heading, change-up, char, character, characteristic, characteristics, characters, chart, chase, chisel, choose, chorus, chromatism, chromism, chuck, chuck at, chuck out, chunk, cipher, circus troupe, clan, clap, class, clique, coal, cohort, color, color balance, color harmony, color scheme, coloration, coloring, come about, company, complement, complexion, compose, composition, compound, compress, compute, conatus, concert, concoct, conduciveness, configuration, conformation, constituents, constitution, construct, constructed, contingent, contrive, convergent strabismus, corps, corps de ballet, coterie, cotton, count, countenance, court plaster, covey, crack, crafted, crap, craps, crasis, cravat, create, created, crew, cross-eye, cross-eyedness, crowd, cue, cupel, curve, custom, custom-built, custom-made, cut, cut out, dart, dash, decorator color, deep-six, defenestrate, delegate, delight, demeanor, denomination, description, design, designate, designation, desquamation, detachment, detail, detrude, devise, dharma, diathesis, die, difference, differentia, differential, discard, discharge, disgorge, dismiss, disperse, dispose of, disposition, distinctive feature, distribute, ditch, divide, division, doff, dope out, double a point, downcurve, dramatis personae, dressing, drive out, drop, dropped, dump, eagerness, earmark, eccentricity, efform, eight, eighty-six, eject, elaborate, elastic bandage, eleven, eliminate, engrave, ensemble, epithem, erect, esotropia, estimate, ethos, evict, evolve, exclude, exile, exotropia, expel, expression, extract roots, extracted, extrude, exuviae, exuviate, fabricate, fabricated, face, facial appearance, faction, farrow, fashion, fashioned, fastball, fat part, favor, fawn, feather, feature, features, feeder, feeling for, fetch about, fiber, figuration, figure, figure in, figure out, fire, fire at, first string, first team, five, fix, flame, flash, flavor, fleet, fling, fling at, flip, foal, foaled, foot, forecast, foretelling, forge, forged, fork, form, formalize, format, formation, formed, formulate, formulation, forward pass, found, four-tailed bandage, frame, fudge together, gang, garb, gate, gathered, gauze, genius, genre, genus, get quit of, get rid of, get shut of, get up, give away, give birth, give the hook, given birth, giving birth, glance, gleam, glimpse, go about, grain, grave, group, grouping, groupment, grown, guise, gust, gybe, habit, half an eye, hallmark, handcrafted, handmade, harvested, hatched, have, have a baby, have young, heave, heave at, heave out, heave round, heavy, hero, heroine, heterotropia, hew, hint, homemade, homespun, hue, humor, humors, hurl, hurl against, hurl at, hurtle, idea, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, ilk, impress, impression, inclination, incline, incurve, index, indite, individualism, ingenue, ingot, in-group, inner form, insculpture, intaglio, intend, intimation, irregularity, jerk, jettison, jibe, jibe all standing, jilt, junk, junta, key, keynote, kick downstairs, kick out, kidney, kin, kind, kitten, knead, knock out, knuckleball, label, labor, lamb, lance, last, lateral, lateral pass, launch, lay, lay out, lay plans, layout, lead, lead role, leading lady, leading man, leading woman, leaning, leave, let fly, let fly at, level, liability, lick, lick into shape, lie in, liking, line, lineaments, lines, lint, lister, litter, lob, look, look for, looks, lot, machined, machine-made, made, made to order, make, make a projection, make arrangements, make up, makeup, man-made, manner, mannerism, manufacture, manufactured, marble, mark, marking, maroon, matrix, mature, measure, mental set, methodize, mettle, mien, milled, mind, mind-set, mined, mint, miss stays, mob, mobile, modality, mode, model, mold, molded, molding, molt, mould, movement, multiply, name, natural, natural color, nature, nee, negative, newborn, nick, nine, nominate, number, obtrude, odor, on, organize, oust, outcurve, outfit, out-group, oxidate, oxidize, pack, pallor, parch, part, part with, particularity, party, pass, patch together, pattern, peculiarity, peek, peep, peer group, peg, pelt, penchant, person, personage, persuasion, phalanx, phylum, physiognomy, physique, pick, piece, piece together, pig, pitch, pitchfork, plan, plan ahead, plank, plaster, plaster cast, Platonic form, Platonic idea, platoon, pledget, plop, plump, plunk, ply, point, port, posse, posture, poultice, prearrange, predilection, predisposition, prefab, prefabricate, prefabricated, preference, prejudice, prepare, presence, prevision, probability, processed, proclivity, produce, product, prognosis, prognostication, program, project, proneness, propensity, property, prophecy, protagonist, prototype, puke, punch, pup, put, put about, put back, put out, put the shot, put together, put up, pyrolyze, quality, quantity, quick sight, quirk, race, raise, raised, rapid glance, rationalize, readiness, ready-formed, ready-for-wear, ready-made, ready-prepared, ready-to-wear, rear, reckon, reckoning, refined, regiment, regulus, reject, relinquish, remove, repertory company, reserves, role, roll, roller, roller bandage, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, round a point, rowing crew, rubber bandage, run up, salon, savor, scatter, schedule, schematize, scintilla, scorch, score, scrap, screwball, sculp, sculpt, sculpture, seal, sear, search for, second string, second team, seek, select, send, sensitivity to, serve, service, set, set up, shade, shadow, shape, shaped, shed, sheer, sheet metal, shift, shipwreck, shoe last, shot, shot-put, shy, shy at, side, significant form, singe, singularity, sinker, sip, skin color, slant, slap, slew, slider, sling, sling at, slough, smack, smattering, smell, smelted, snap, soft spot, solder, somatotype, sort, soubrette, soupcon, sow, spark, specialty, species, spew, spirit, spitball, spitter, splint, sponge, sprinkling, squad, squinch, squint, squiz, stabile, stable, stamp, stance, statue, stillborn, stock company, strabismus, straight part, strain, streak, string, stripe, structure, stupe, style, subtract, suchness, suggestion, sum, summate, summation, sup, supporting cast, supporting character, supporting role, surrender, susceptibility, suspicion, swerve, swing round, swing the stern, swinge, system, systematize, tack, tailor, taint, take account of, tale, tally, tampon, tang, tape, taste, team, temper, temperament, template, tendency, tenor, tent, terra cotta, the bottom line, the like of, the likes of, the story, the whole story, thermoform, third string, thought, throw, throw about, throw at, throw away, throw off, throw out, throw over, throw overboard, throw up, thrust, thrust out, tilt, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, title role, token, tone, torrefy, toss, toss at, toss out, toss overboard, tot, total, tote, touch, tourniquet, trace, train, trait, traits, travail, triangular bandage, tribe, trick, troop, tropism, troupe, turn, turn back, turn of mind, turn out, twist, type, undercolor, upchuck, upcurve, upward strabismus, variety, varsity, veer, vein, vesicate, villain, visage, vulcanize, walking part, walk-on, walleye, warp, way, weakness, wear, wear ship, weird, weld, well-built, well-constructed, well-made, whelp, whelped, whole, whomp up, willingness, wind, wing, wink, work, work out, work up, write, x number, yaw, yean, yield |