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Meaning of GUST

Pronunciation:  gust

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a strong current of air; "the tree was bent almost double by the gust"
 Synonyms: blast, blow
 See Also: bluster, puff, puff of air, sandblast, whiff, wind



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Gust\, n. [Icel. gustr a cool breeze. Cf. {Gush}.]
    1. A sudden squall; a violent blast of wind; a sudden and
       brief rushing or driving of the wind. Snow, and hail,
       stormy gust and flaw. --Milton.
    2. A sudden violent burst of passion. --Bacon.
  2. \Gust\, n. [L. gustus; cf. It. & Sp. gusto. [root]46.]
    1. The sense or pleasure of tasting; relish; gusto.
             An ox will relish the tender flesh of kids with as
             much gust and appetite.               --Jer. Taylor.
    2. Gratification of any kind, particularly that which is
       exquisitely relished; enjoyment.
             Destroy all creatures for thy sport or gust. --Pope.
    3. Intellectual taste; fancy.
             A choice of it may be made according to the gust and
             manner of the ancients. --Dryden.
  3. \Gust\, v. t. [Cf. L. gustare, It. gustare, Sp. gustar. See
    {GUST} a relish.]
    To taste; to have a relish for. [Obs.]
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: access, affection, aftertaste, alacrity, animation, anxiety, anxiousness, appetite, aroma, attribute, avidity, avidness, badge, bitter, blast, blaze, blow, brand, breathless impatience, breeze, burst, cachet, cast, character, characteristic, cheerful readiness, configuration, convulsion, crush, cut, cyclone, differentia, differential, distinctive feature, eagerness, earmark, elan, eruption, explosion, feature, figure, fit, flare-up, flavor, flaw, flurry, fondness, forwardness, gale, gusto, hallmark, hurricane, idiocrasy, idiosyncrasy, impatience, impress, impression, increase, index, individualism, infatuation, irruption, keen desire, keenness, keynote, life, likes, liking, lineaments, liveliness, love, mannerism, mark, marking, mold, nature, odor, outbreak, outburst, palate, paroxysm, particularity, passion, peculiarity, promptness, property, puff, quality, quickness, quirk, readiness, relish, sally, salt, sapidity, sapor, savor, savoriness, scud, seal, seizure, shape, singularity, smack, sour, spasm, specialty, spirit, stamp, stomach, storm, surge, sweet, taint, tang, taste, tempest, token, tongue, tooth, tornado, trait, trick, upheaval, verve, vitality, vivacity, weakness, whirlwind, wind, wind gust, zest, zestfulness