CHARM: Dictionary Entry and Meaning
Pronunciation: | | chârm
Matching Terms: | | char, Chara, charabanc, Char-a-bancs, Characeae, characid, Characidae, characin, characin fish, Characinidae, Charact, Character, character actor, character assassination, character encoding, character encoding scheme, character graphics, character printer, character reference, character repertoire, character set, character set identifier, character witness, character-at-a-time printer, characterisation, characterise, characterised, characterisic function, Characterism, characteristic, characteristic curve, characteristic function, Characteristical, Characteristically, Characterization, Characterize, characterized, Characterless, Charactery, Charade, charades, Charadrii, Charadriidae, Charadriiformes, Charadrius, Charadrius melodus, Charadrius morinellus, Charadrius vociferus, Charales, Charashim, Charbocle, Charbon, Charchemish, Charcoal, charcoal burner, charcoal gray, charcoal grey, charcoal-gray, charcoal-grey, Charcot, Charcot Foot, Charcot's foot, Charcot's joint, charcuterie, chard, chard plant, Chardonnay, chardonnay grape, Chare, Charge, charge account, charge account credit, charge card, Charg'e d'affaires, charge d'affaires, charge of quarters, charge per unit, charge plate, charge sheet, Charge to the jury, charge unit, charge up, Chargeable, Chargeableness, Chargeably, Chargeant, Charge-Coupled Device, charged, charge-exchange accelerator, Chargeful, Chargehouse, Chargeless, chargeman, Chargeous, Charger, Chargeship, Chari, Chari River, Charily, Charina, Charina bottae, chariness, Chari-Nile, chariot, chariot race, Chariotee, charioteer, Charism, charisma, Charismatic, charitable, charitable trust, Charitableness, Charitably, CHARITY, charity case, charity shot, charity throw, charity toss, charityware, charivari, Chark, Charlatan, Charlatanic, Charlatanism, Charlatanry, Charlemagne, Charleroi, Charles, Charles A. Lindbergh, Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle, Charles Augustin de Coulomb, Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Charles Babbage, Charles Baudelaire, Charles Bullfinch, Charles Camille Saint-Saens, Charles Christopher Parker, Charles Cornwallis, Charles Darwin, Charles de Gaulle, Charles Dickens, Charles Digby Harrod, Charles Dillon Stengel, Charles Dodgson, Charles Dudley Warner, Charles Eames, Charles Edouard Jeanneret, Charles Edward Berry, Charles Edward Ives, Charles Evans Hughes, Charles Farrar Browne, Charles Follen McKim, Charles Fourier, Charles Francis Hall, Charles Francois Gounod, Charles Franklin Kettering, Charles Franklin Peirce, Charles Frederick Menninger, Charles Frederick Worth, Charles Goodyear, Charles Grey, Charles Hardin Holley, Charles Henry Harrod, Charles Herbert Best, Charles I, Charles II, Charles IX, Charles James Fox, Charles John Huffam Dickens, Charles Joseph Clark, Charles Kay Ogden, Charles Kettering, Charles Lamb, Charles Laughton, Charles L'Enfant, Charles Lindbergh, Charles Liston, Charles Louis de Secondat, Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, Charles M. Schulz, Charles Martin Hall, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, Charles Menninger, Charles Munroe Schulz, Charles Peirce, Charles Percy Snow, Charles Pierre Baudelaire, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Charles Ringling, Charles River, Charles Robert Darwin, Charles Robert Redford, Charles Schulz, Charles Simonyi, Charles Stewart Parnell, Charles Stuart, Charles Taze Russell, Charles the Bald, Charles the Great, Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, Charles VII, Charles Watson-Wentworth, Charles Wilkes, Charles's law, Charles's Wain, charleston, Charlestown Navy Yard, charleyhorse, Charlie, Charlie Chaplin, Charlie Parker, charlock, Charlotte, Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman, Charlotte Bronte, Charlotte Corday, charlotte russe, Charlottetown, Charm Bracelet, charm quark, CHARM++, Charme, charmed, Charmel, Charmer, Charmeress, Charmful, charming, charmingly, Charmless, Charneco, charnel, charnel house, Charolais, Charon, Charon phage, Charophyceae, Charpie, Charqui, Charr, Charran, Charras, Charre, charred, charred pancake cup, Charronia, Charronia flavigula, Charry, Chart, Charta, chartaceous, Charte, Charter, charter member, Chartered, chartered accountant, Charterer, Charterhouse, Charterist, Chartism, Chartist, Chartless, Chartographer, Chartomancy, Chartometer, Chartreuse, Chartreux, chartula, Chartulary, Charwoman, chary, Charybdis
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [n] something believed to bring good luck
- [n] attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates; "his smile was part of his appeal to her"
- [n] a verbal formula believed to have magical force; "he whispered a spell as he moved his hands"; "inscribed around its base is a charm in Balinese"
- [v] induce into action by using one's charm; "She charmed him into giving her all his money"
- [v] protect through supernatural powers or charms
- [v] attract; cause to be enamored; "She captured all the men's hearts"
- [v] control by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft
| Synonyms: | | appeal, appealingness, becharm, becharm, beguile, bewitch, captivate, capture, catch, enamor, enamour, enchant, entrance, fascinate, good luck charm, influence, magic spell, spell, tempt, trance |
| See Also: | | amulet, appeal, attract, attractiveness, bewitch, bewitch, command, conjuration, control, curse, enchant, fetich, fetish, glamour, hex, hex, hold, hoodoo, incantation, jinx, jinx, juju, language, magnetise, magnetize, mesmerise, mesmerize, oral communication, persuade, protect, speech, speech communication, spellbind, spoken communication, spoken language, stuff, sundries, sundry, sway, talisman, voice communication, voodoo, whammy, whatchamacallit, whatsis, winsomeness, witch, work | |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
\Charm\, n. [F. charme, fr. L. carmen song, verse,
incantation, for casmen, akin to Skr. [,c]asman, [,c]as[=a],
a laudatory song, from a root signifying to praise, to sing.]
1. A melody; a song. [Obs.]
With charm of earliest birds. --Milton.
Free liberty to chant our charms at will. --Spenser.
2. A word or combination of words sung or spoken in the
practice of magic; a magical combination of words,
characters, etc.; an incantation.
My high charms work. --Shak.
3. That which exerts an irresistible power to please and
attract; that which fascinates; any alluring quality.
Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.
The charm of beauty's powerful glance. --Milton.
4. Anything worn for its supposed efficacy to the wearer in
averting ill or securing good fortune.
5. Any small decorative object worn on the person, as a seal,
a key, a silver whistle, or the like. Bunches of charms
are often worn at the watch chain.
Syn: Syn. - Spell; incantation; conjuration; enchantment;
fascination; attraction.
\Charm\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Charmed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Charming}.] [Cf. F. charmer. See {Charm}, n.]
1. To make music upon; to tune. [Obs. & R.]
Here we our slender pipes may safely charm.
2. To subdue, control, or summon by incantation or
supernatural influence; to affect by magic.
No witchcraft charm thee! --Shak.
3. To subdue or overcome by some secret power, or by that
which gives pleasure; to allay; to soothe.
Music the fiercest grief can charm. --Pope.
4. To attract irresistibly; to delight exceedingly; to
enchant; to fascinate.
They, on their mirth and dance Intent, with jocund
music charm his ear. --Milton.
5. To protect with, or make invulnerable by, spells, charms,
or supernatural influences; as, a charmed life.
I, in my own woe charmed, Could not find death.
Syn: Syn. - To fascinate; enchant; enrapture; captivate;
bewitch; allure; subdue; delight; entice; transport.
\Charm\, v. i.
1. To use magic arts or occult power; to make use of charms.
The voice of charmers, charming never so wisely.
--Ps. lviii.
2. To act as, or produce the effect of, a charm; to please
greatly; to be fascinating.
3. To make a musical sound. [Obs.] --Milton.
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | An explicitly parallel programming language based on C, for both shared and nonshared MIMD computers.
Mailing list: <[email protected]>. ["The CHARM(3.2) Programming Language Manual", UIUC (Dec 1992)]. |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | absorb, absorb the attention, adorability, agacerie, agreeability, agreeableness, alchemy, allay, allure, allurement, amiability, amulet, anklet, appeal, appealingness, argue into, armlet, arrest, ascendancy, assuage, attract, attraction, attractiveness, authority, bait, baited trap, bangle, beads, beauteousness, beautifulness, beauty, beauty unadorned, becharm, beguile, beguilement, beguiling, bevy, bewitch, bewitchery, bewitchment, bijou, bind, blandishment, bloom, bracelet, breastpin, bring over, bring round, bring to reason, brooch, cajolery, calm, cantrip, captivate, captivation, carry away, cast a spell, catch, chain, chaplet, charisma, charmingness, charms, chatelaine, circle, cloud, clout, come-hither, come-on, con, conjuration, consequence, control, convince, coronet, covey, credit, crown, cultivation, culture, curse, decoy, decoy duck, delectate, delight, delightfulness, desirability, diadem, divination, dominance, domination, draw, draw on, draw over, drawcard, drawing card, earring, effect, elegance, eminence, enamor, enchant, enchantment, endear, endearment, engage, engage the attention, engage the thoughts, engross, engross the mind, engross the thoughts, enrapture, enravish, enravishment, enthrall, enthrallment, enticement, entrance, entrancement, entrapment, esteem, evil eye, exercise, exorcism, exquisiteness, extraordinarily, fascinate, fascination, favor, fetish, fetishism, flight, flirtation, flock, fob, folklore, forbidden fruit, force, freak out, fylfot, gaggle, gain, gain over, gammadion, gem, glamour, glow, good feeling, good-luck charm, grab, grace, gramarye, gratefulness, grip, ground bait, handsomeness, hex, hive, hold, hold in thrall, hold spellbound, hold the interest, hoodoo, hook, hook in, hypnotize, immerse, imparadise, importance, incantation, incidental power, inducement, infatuate, inflame with love, influence, influentiality, insinuation, interest, intrigue, inveiglement, invitation, invitingness, involve, involve the interest, jewel, jinx, juju, jujuism, knock dead, knock out, leadership, leverage, likability, locket, lore, lovability, love charm, loveliness, lovesomeness, luck, lucky bean, lucky piece, lure, luxury, madstone, magic, magic spell, magnetism, magnetize, malocchio, mascot, mastery, mesmerize, miraculously, moment, monopolize, mumbo jumbo, murmuration, natural magic, necklace, necromancy, nose ring, obeah, obsess, occupy, occupy the attention, outtalk, overcome, perfectly, periapt, personality, persuade, persuasion, philter, phylactery, pin, plague, polish, popular belief, potency, power, precious stone, predominance, preoccupy, preponderance, pressure, prestige, prettiness, prevail on, prevail upon, prevail with, pulchritude, pull, purchase, ravish, refinement, reign, repute, rhinestone, ring, rule, rune, say, scarab, scarabaeus, scarabee, seduce, seducement, seduction, seductiveness, sell, sell one on, send, sensuousness, sex appeal, shamanism, skein, slay, snare, snaring, soothe, sophistication, sorcery, sortilege, spell, spellbind, spellbinding, spellcasting, spring, stickpin, stone, suasion, suavity, subdue, subtle influence, successfully, sudarium, suggestion, superstition, superstitiousness, supremacy, swarm, swastika, sway, sweetness, sympathetic magic, take, take up, talisman, talk into, talk over, tantalization, tantalize, tantalizingness, tempt, temptation, temptingness, thaumaturgia, thaumaturgics, thaumaturgism, thaumaturgy, the beautiful, theurgy, thrill, tiara, tickle, tickle pink, titillate, torque, tradition, transport, trap, upper hand, urbanity, vamp, vampirism, veronica, voluptuousness, voodoo, voodooism, wampum, wanga, wangle, wangle into, watch, wear down, weight, weird, whammy, whip hand, white magic, wile, win, win over, winning ways, winningness, winsomeness, witch, witchcraft, witchery, witchwork, wizardry, wooing, wow, wristband, wristlet |