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Meaning of ELEGANCE

Pronunciation:  'eluguns

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a refined quality of gracefulness and good taste
 Antonyms: inelegance
 See Also: breeding, brilliance, chic, chicness, class, courtliness, daintiness, dash, delicacy, eclat, elan, fineness, flair, genteelness, gentility, grandeur, grandness, last word, magnificence, modishness, panache, pomp, quality, smartness, splendor, splendour, style, stylishness, swank, tastefulness



Products Dictionary

Louise`s husband, Colin, has grown neglectful, and she knows that she is short on glamour. Then in a London shop she finds an old book full of fashion advice and changes her image completely. Colin, alas, doesn`t seem to notice, but other men certainly do....

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\El"e*gance\, Elegancy \El"e*gan*cy\, n. [L. elegantia,
fr. elegans, -antis, elegant: cf. F. ['e]l['e]gance.]
1. The state or quality of being elegant; beauty as resulting
   from choice qualities and the complete absence of what
   deforms or impresses unpleasantly; grace given by art or
   practice; fine polish; refinement; -- said of manners,
   language, style, form, architecture, etc.
         That grace that elegance affords.     --Drayton.
         The endearing elegance of female friendship.
         A trait of native elegance, seldom seen in the
         masculine character after childhood or early youth,
         was shown in the General's fondness for the sight
         and fragrance of flowers.             --Hawthorne.
2. That which is elegant; that which is tasteful and highly
         The beautiful wildness of nature, without the nicer
         elegancies of art.                    --Spectator.
Syn: {Elegance}, {Grace}. Elegance implies something of a
     select style of beauty, which is usually produced by
     art, skill, or training; as, elegance of manners,
     composition, handwriting, etc.; elegant furniture; an
     elegant house, etc. Grace, as the word is here used,
     refers to bodily movements, and is a lower order of
     beauty. It may be a natural gift; thus, the manners of a
     peasant girl may be graceful, but can hardly be called
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: acquired taste, amenities, appreciation of excellence, arabesque, attractiveness, Babylonian splendor, baroque, baroqueness, beauteousness, beautifulness, beauty, beauty unadorned, bloom, breeding, brilliance, charm, cheeseparing, chic, chinoiserie, choiceness, civilities, civility, civilized taste, civilizedness, clothes-consciousness, comity, convention, courtliness, coxcombry, cultivated taste, cultivation, culture, daintiness, dandyism, decencies, decency, decorousness, decorum, delicacy, dignity, diplomatic code, discrimination, ease, economy, economy of assumption, economy of means, elaborateness, elegancies, etiquette, euphemism, euphuism, excellence, exquisite manners, exquisiteness, facility, fanciness, fastidiousness, fineness, finesse, flamboyance, floridity, floridness, flow, floweriness, fluency, foppery, foppishness, formalism, formalities, formality, frugality, genteelness, gentility, gentlemanlikeness, gentlemanliness, gentleness, glory, glow, good breeding, good form, good manners, good taste, goody-goodness, goody-goodyism, gorgeousness, grace, gracefulness, gracility, graciosity, graciousness, grandeur, grandiosity, grandness, handsomeness, imposingness, impressiveness, jauntiness, ladylikeness, lavishness, law of parsimony, loveliness, lushness, luxuriance, luxuriousness, luxury, magnificence, majesty, manners, modesty, mores, moresque, nattiness, natural politeness, neatness, niceness, nicety, nobility, ostentation, overelaborateness, overelegance, overniceness, overornamentation, overpreciseness, overrefinement, parsimoniousness, parsimony, pedantry, pinching, plushness, poetry, point of etiquette, polish, politeness, politesse, poshness, preciosity, preciousness, precisianism, prettiness, proprieties, propriety, protocol, proudness, pudency, pudicity, pulchritude, punctilio, purism, quality, quiet good manners, refinement, resplendence, richness, ritziness, rococo, rules of conduct, scrimping, seemliness, shame, sharpness, skimping, sleekness, smartness, smoothness, social code, social conduct, social graces, social procedures, social usage, sophistication, spiffiness, splendidness, splendiferousness, splendor, state, stateliness, stinting, style, subtlety, sumptuousness, taste, tastefulness, the beautiful, trimness