Meaning of DESIGN
Pronunciation: | | di'zIn
Matching Terms: | | Desight, Desightment, design criteria, design flood capacity, Design In Real Time, design level of flood protection, design pattern, design recovery, Design System language, Designable, designate, designate(ip), designated, designated driver, designated floodway, designated hitter, designation, Designative, Designator, Designatory, designatum, designed, designed(a), designedly, Designer, designer drug, designer(a), Designful, Designing, Designless, Designment
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | The approach that engineering (and some other) disciplines use to specify how to create or do something. A successful design must satisfies a (perhaps informal) functional specification (do what it was designed to do); conforms to the limitations of the target medium (it is possible to implement); meets implicit or explicit requirements on performance and resource usage (it is efficient enough). A design may also have to satisfy restrictions on the design process itself, such as its length or cost, or the tools available for doing the design. In the software life-cycle, design follows requirements analysis and is followed by implementation. ["Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications", 2nd ed., Grady Booch]. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abstract art, action, aim, aim at, ambition, anagnorisis, angle, animus, approach, architectonics, architecture, argument, arrange, arrangement, art, art form, art object, artful dodge, artifice, artist, arts and crafts, arts of design, aspiration, aspire after, aspire to, atmosphere, attack, background, background detail, bag of tricks, balance, be after, beget, black and white, blind, blueprint, blueprinting, bluff, bosey, brainchild, breed, bric-a-brac, bring forth, bring into being, brouillon, brushwork, cabal, calculate, calculation, call into being, calligraphy, canon form, cartoon, cast, catastrophe, catch, cave art, ceramics, chalk, characterization, charcoal, charcoal drawing, chart, charting, chiaroscuro, chicanery, chouse, classic, coin, color, complication, composition, conation, conceive, conception, concert, concoct, configuration, connivance, conniving, conspiracy, constitution, construct, construction, contemplate, continuity, contrivance, contrive, cook up, copy, counsel, coup, craft, crayon, create, creation, crosshatch, curve, curve-ball, cut out, cute trick, dash off, daub, deceit, decoration, decorative composition, decorative style, deliberation, delineate, delineation, denouement, depict, desideration, desideratum, designing, designs, desire, destine, detail, determination, determine, develop, development, device, devise, diagram, dirty deal, dirty trick, disposition, dodge, doodle, dope out, draft, draftsmanship, draw, draw up, drawing, dream up, drive at, ebauche, effect, elevation, engender, engraving, enterprise, envisage, envisagement, envision, episode, esquisse, etching, evil intent, evolve, expedient, fable, fabricate, fakement, falling action, fashion, fast deal, feint, fetch, ficelle, figure, figuring, fine arts, fixed purpose, foil, folk art, forecast, foreground detail, foresight, forethought, forge, form, format, formation, frame, fugue form, function, gambit, game, game plan, generate, gimmick, give being to, give rise to, go for, goal, googly, graph, graphic arts, graphing, grift, grotesque, ground plan, grouping, guidelines, harbor a design, hatch, have every intention, hocus-pocus, house plan, ichnography, idea, improvise, incident, intend, intendment, intent, intention, intrigue, invent, invention, joker, juggle, jugglery, kitsch, knavery, lay out, lay plans, layout, lied form, limn, line, line drawing, lineup, little game, local color, long-range plan, machination, make, make a projection, make arrangements, make do with, make up, maneuver, manipulation, map, map out, mapping, master, master plan, masterpiece, masterwork, mature, mean, meaning, method, methodize, methodology, mind, mint, mobile, model, mood, motif, motive, mould, move, movement, museum piece, mythos, national style, nisus, nude, object, objective, old master, operations research, organization, organize, originate, ornamental motif, outline, paint, paint a picture, painterliness, pass, pastel, pasticcio, pastiche, pattern, pen-and-ink, pencil, pencil drawing, period style, peripeteia, perspective, photography, picture, picturize, piece, piece of virtu, plan, plan ahead, planning, planning function, plastic art, plot, ploy, point, portray, prearrange, prearrangement, primary form, primitive art, procedure, procreate, produce, profile, program, program of action, project, projection, proposal, propose, prospectus, prototype, purport, purpose, racket, rationalization, rationalize, recognition, red herring, reflection, repeated figure, resolution, resolve, rising action, rondo form, rough, rough copy, rough draft, rough outline, ruse, sake, schedule, schema, schematism, schematization, schematize, scheme, scheme of arrangement, scratch, sculpture, scumble, scurvy trick, secondary plot, set out, set up, setting, setup, shade, shading, shadow, shape, shift, silhouette, silver-print drawing, sinopia, skeleton, sketch, sketch out, slant, sleight, sleight of hand, sleight-of-hand trick, sonata allegro, sonata form, spawn, stabile, statue, stencil, still life, story, stratagem, strategic plan, strategy, strike out, striving, structure, study, style, subject, subplot, subterfuge, switch, symphonic form, system, systematization, systematize, table, tactic, tactical plan, tactics, target, technique, the arts, the big picture, the picture, thematic development, theme, think, think of, think out, think up, thinking, thought, tint, toccata form, tone, topic, touch, trace, tracing, treatment, trick, trickery, twist, undertaking, values, view, vignette, virtu, visualize, volition, way, wile, will, wily device, work, work of art, work out, work up, working drawing, working plan |