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Meaning of ETCHING

Pronunciation:  'eching

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  making engraved or etched plates and printing designs from them
  2. [n]  an etched plate made with the use of acid
  3. [n]  an impression made from an etched plate
 Synonyms: engraving
 See Also: aquatint, aquatint, engraving, printmaking, steel engraving



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Etch"ing\, n.
1. The act, art, or practice of engraving by means of acid
   which eats away lines or surfaces left unprotected in
   metal, glass, or the like. See {Etch}, v. t.
2. A design carried out by means of the above process; a
   pattern on metal, glass, etc., produced by etching.
3. An impression on paper, parchment, or other material,
   taken in ink from an etched plate.
{Etching figures} (Min.), markings produced on the face of a
   crystal by the action of an appropriate solvent. They have
   usually a definite form, and are important as revealing
   the molecular structure.
{Etching needle}, a sharp-pointed steel instrument with which
   lines are drawn in the ground or varnish in etching.
{Etching stitch} (Needlework), a stitch used outline
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abstract art, aquatint, art, art form, artist, arts and crafts, arts of design, autolithograph, block, block print, burr, calligraphy, cave art, ceramics, cerography, chalcography, chiseling, chromolithograph, color print, copperplate, copperplate print, crayon engraving, cribbling, cross-hatching, cut, decoration, demitint, design, designing, drypoint, engravement, engraving, etch, fine arts, folk art, gem-engraving, glass-cutting, glyptic, graphic arts, graphotype, graving, half tint, hatching, impress, impression, imprint, incision, inscript, inscription, intaglio, line, lining, linoleum-block print, lithograph, marking, metal cut, mezzotint, negative, photoengraving, photography, plastic art, plate engraving, primitive art, print, pyrogravure, relief method, rubber-block print, score, scoring, scratch, scratching, sculpture, slash, slashing, steel engraving, stipple, stippling, the arts, tint, tooling, type-cutting, vignette, wood engraving, woodblock, woodburning, woodcut, woodprint, xylograph, zincography