Meaning of BAR
Pronunciation: | | bâr
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Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | 1. /bar/ The second metasyntactic variable, after foo and before baz. E.g. "Suppose function FOO calls functions BAR..." 2. Often appended to foo to produce foobar. [jargon file] |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abscind, accent, accent mark, achievement, ait, alehouse, alerion, ambo, amputate, animal charge, annihilate, annulet, anticipate, arch dam, archipelago, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, aside from, atoll, avert, aviation badge, azure, backstop, badge, bamboo curtain, ban, band, bandeau, bang, banish, bank, bar line, bar out, bar sinister, barrage, barrel house, barricade, barrier, barring, barroom, bate, baton, batten, batten down, beam, bearings, bear-trap dam, beaver dam, beer garden, beer parlor, belt, bench, bend, bend sinister, beside, besides, bespangle, bespeckle, bespot, billet, bind, bistro, blank wall, blazon, blazonry, blind alley, blind gut, blind tiger, block, block up, blockade, blockage, blotch, board, bob, bolt, boom, boozer, bordure, bottleneck, boycott, brace, brake, breakwater, breastwork, brick wall, broad arrow, bucket shop, buffer, buffet, bulkhead, bulkhead in, bullion, bulwark, bung, but, button, button up, cabaret, cadency mark, cafe, cancel, cant hook, cantina, canton, caulk, cay, cecum, chaplet, character, charge, check, checker, checkrein, chevron, chicken, chief, chink, chock, choke, choke off, choke up, choking, choking off, circumscribe, circumscription, clap, claw bar, clip, clog, clog up, close, close off, close out, close tight, close up, coat of arms, cockatrice, cocktail lounge, cofferdam, coin gold, coin silver, confine, congest, congestion, constipate, constipation, constrict, contain, continental island, contract, control, copper, coral head, coral island, coral reef, cork, coronet, costiveness, counsel, count out, counter, cover, crack, crank, craze, crescent, crest, crisscross, crop, cross, cross moline, crossbar, crosscut, cross-hatching, crow, crowbar, crowd, crown, cruciate, cul-de-sac, cull, curb, custos, cut, cut across, cut away, cut off, cut out, dam, dam up, dapple, dash, dead end, debar, debarment, debarring, decussate, defense, deflect, degree, delimit, delimitate, delineation, demarcation, deny, deport, desk, deter, device, diagonal, difference, differencing, difficulty, dike, direct, disallow, discourage, disenable, dishearten, disqualify, ditch, dive, dock, dog, dot, dotted line, dramshop, drinkery, drinking saloon, eagle, earthwork, eliminate, embankment, embargo, embolism, embolus, encumbrance, enjoin, enucleate, epaulet, eradicate, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escritoire, escutcheon, estop, ex, except, except for, excepting, exception, excise, exclude, exclude from, excluding, exclusion, exclusive of, exile, expression mark, extinguish, extirpate, falcon, fasten, fence, fend, fend off, fermata, fess, fess point, field, file, fill, fill up, flagstaff, flake, flanch, flat, fleck, fleur-de-lis, fold, fold up, forbid, ford, foreclose, forestall, foul, freckle, freeze out, fret, fur, fusil, garland, gate, gin mill, gold, gold nugget, gorge, gravity dam, griffin, groggery, grogshop, groin, gules, gyron, hachure, hairline, halt, hamper, handspike, hardship, harlequin, hash mark, hatching, hatchment, hedge, helmet, help, hem, heraldic device, Hershey bar, hinder, hindrance, hold, holm, honky-tonk, honor point, hurdle, hydraulic-fill dam, ignore, impalement, impaling, impasse, impede, impediment, inadmissibility, inescutcheon, infarct, infarction, ingot, inhibit, injunction, insignia of branch, insularity, intercross, interdict, intersect, iris, iron crow, iron curtain, island, island group, islandology, isle, jam, jetty, jimmy, keep from, keep off, keep out, key, key signature, knock off, label, latch, lead, leaping weir, leave out, leaving out, lectern, ledger line, legal profession, let alone, levee, lever, lie across, ligature, limb, line, lineation, lion, list, local, lock, lock out, lock up, lockout, logjam, lop, lounge, lozenge, maculate, make impossible, mantling, marble, marbleize, mark, marlinespike, marshaling, martlet, mascle, Maypole, measure, metal, metronomic mark, milldam, moat, mole, motley, mottle, motto, mound, mullet, mutilate, narrowing, nickel, nightclub, nip, nombril point, nonadmission, notation, nugget, oak leaf, obstacle, obstipate, obstipation, obstruct, obstruction, obviate, occlude, oceanic island, octofoil, omission, omit, omitting, or, ordinary, organization insignia, orle, ostracize, outlaw, outrigger, outside of, overseas bar, pack, padlock, pale, palisade, paly, parachute badge, parapet, pare, pass over, patch, pause, pean, peavey, pedal, peel, pepper, pheon, pick out, picket, pinch bar, pip, pleading, plug, plug up, plumb, pole, polychrome, polychromize, portcullis, pothouse, precious metals, preclude, precluding, preclusion, presa, prevent, prize, prohibit, prohibition, proscribe, prune, pry, pub, public, public house, purpure, quarter, quartering, rail, rainbow, rampart, rathskeller, reef, refuse, reject, rejection, relegate, relegation, repel, representation, repress, repudiate, repudiation, restrict, restriction, ripping bar, roadblock, roadhouse, rock-fill dam, rod, root out, rose, rub, rule out, rummery, rumshop, sable, saloon, saloon bar, saltire, sandbank, sandbar, save, save and except, saving, say no to, scape, score, scutcheon, seal, seal off, seal up, sealing off, seawall, secretaire, secretary, secure, segno, send to Coventry, service stripe, set apart, set aside, shaft, shallow, shallows, shave, shear, shelf, shield, shoal, shoal water, shoulder patch, shoulder sleeve insignia, shut, shut off, shut out, shut the door, shut tight, shut up, shutter dam, sign, signature, silver, slab, slam, slash, slur, snag, snap, space, spangle, spar, speakeasy, speck, speckle, spile, splotch, spot, spread eagle, sprinkle, squeeze, squeeze shut, staff, stalk, stamp out, stanch, stand, star, stave, stave off, stay, stem, stench, stick, stifle, stigmatize, stipple, stone wall, stop, stop up, stoppage, stopper, stopple, strangle, strangulate, strangulation, streak, streaking, stria, striate, striation, striature, striga, strike off, string, striola, strip, strip off, stripe, striping, stroke, stud, stuff, stuff up, stumbling block, sublineation, submarine badge, subordinary, suffocate, suppress, suspend, swell, symbol, table, taboo, take off, take out, tap, taproom, tattoo, tavern, tempo mark, tenne, tessellate, than, tidal flats, tie, time signature, tincture, tongue, torse, totem pole, transverse, traverse, treadle, tressure, tribunal, truncate, turn aside, underline, underlining, underscore, underscoring, unicorn, unless, vair, variegate, vein, vert, vicissitude, vinculum, virgule, wall, ward off, watering place, weir, wetlands, wicket dam, wine shop, wipe out, without, work, workbench, wreath, wrecking bar, writing table, yale, yellow stuff, zip up, zipper |