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Meaning of SLUR

Pronunciation:  slur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a blemish made by dirt; "he had a smudge on his cheek"
  2. [n]  a disparaging remark
  3. [n]  (music) a curved line spanning notes that are to be played legato
  4. [v]  become vague or indistinct; "The distinction between the two theories blurred"
  5. [v]  utter indistinctly
  6. [v]  speak disparagingly of; e.g., make a racial slur; "your comments are slurring your co-workers"
  7. [v]  play smoothly or legato; of musical passages
 Synonyms: aspersion, blot, blur, daub, dim, smear, smirch, smudge, spot
 Antonyms: focalise, focalize, focus
 See Also: blemish, blotch, defect, denote, depreciation, derogation, disparagement, efface, fingermark, fingerprint, gloss over, inkblot, mouth, musical notation, obliterate, play, refer, skate over, skimp over, slur over, smooth over, speak, spiel, splodge, splotch, talk, tie, utter, verbalise, verbalize, weaken, wipe out



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Slur\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Slurred}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Slurring}.] [Cf. OE. sloor mud, clay, Icel. sl?ra, slo?ra,
    to trail or drag one's self along, D. sleuren, sloren, to
    train, to drag, to do negligently and slovenly, D. sloor,
    sloerie, a sluttish girl.]
    1. To soil; to sully; to contaminate; to disgrace.
    2. To disparage; to traduce. --Tennyson.
    3. To cover over; to disguise; to conceal; to pass over
       lightly or with little notice.
             With periods, points, and tropes, he slurs his
             crimes.                               --Dryden.
    4. To cheat, as by sliding a die; to trick. [R.]
             To slur men of what they fought for.  --Hudibras.
    5. To pronounce indistinctly; as, to slur syllables.
    6. (Mus.) To sing or perform in a smooth, gliding style; to
       connect smoothly in performing, as several notes or tones.
    7. (Print.) To blur or double, as an impression from type; to
  2. \Slur\, n.
    1. A mark or stain; hence, a slight reproach or disgrace; a
       stigma; a reproachful intimation; an innuendo. ``Gaining
       to his name a lasting slur.'' --South.
    2. A trick played upon a person; an imposition. [R.]
    3. (Mus.) A mark, thus [[upslur] or [downslur]], connecting
       notes that are to be sung to the same syllable, or made in
       one continued breath of a wind instrument, or with one
       stroke of a bow; a tie; a sign of legato.
    4. In knitting machines, a contrivance for depressing the
       sinkers successively by passing over them.