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Meaning of CAFE

Pronunciation:  ka'fey

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold
 Synonyms: coffee bar, coffee shop, coffeehouse
 See Also: caff, eating house, eating place, estaminet, pull-in, pull-up, restaurant



Computing Dictionary

["Job Control Languages: MAXIMOP and CAFE", J. Brandon, Proc BCS Symp on Job Control Languages--Past Present and Future, NCC, Manchester, England 1974].

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: alehouse, automat, bar, barrel house, barroom, beanery, beer garden, beer parlor, bistro, blind tiger, buffet, buvette, cabaret, cafeteria, canteen, cantina, chophouse, chuck wagon, cocktail lounge, coffee shop, coffeehouse, coffeeroom, cookhouse, cookshack, cookshop, diner, dining hall, dining room, dive, dog wagon, dramshop, drinking saloon, drive-in, drive-in restaurant, eatery, eating house, fast-food chain, gin mill, grill, grillroom, groggery, grogshop, hamburger stand, hash house, hashery, honky-tonk, hot-dog stand, kitchen, local, lunch counter, lunch wagon, luncheonette, lunchroom, mess hall, nightclub, pizzeria, pothouse, pub, public, public house, quick-lunch counter, rathskeller, restaurant, rumshop, saloon, saloon bar, smorgasbord, snack bar, speakeasy, taproom, tavern, tearoom, trattoria, wine shop