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Pronunciation:  di'skurij

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [v]  admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior; "I warned him not to go too far";"I warn you against false assumptions"; "She warned him to be quiet"
  2. [v]  try to prevent; show opposition to; "We should discourage this practice among our youth"
  3. [v]  deprive of courage or hope; take away hope from; cause to feel discouraged
 Synonyms: admonish, deter, monish, warn
 Antonyms: encourage
 See Also: advise, cast down, counsel, deject, demoralise, demoralize, depress, disapprove, dishearten, dismay, dispirit, get down, intimidate, put off, reject, restrain, thwart



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Dis*cour"age\ (?; 48), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Discouraged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Discouraging}.] [Pref. dis- +
    courage: cf. OF. descoragier, F. d['e]courager: pref. des-
    (L. dis-) + corage, F. courage. See {Courage}.]
    1. To extinguish the courage of; to dishearten; to depress
       the spirits of; to deprive of confidence; to deject; --
       the opposite of encourage; as, he was discouraged in his
       undertaking; he need not be discouraged from a like
             Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest
             they be discouraged.                  --Col. iii.
    2. To dishearten one with respect to; to discountenance; to
       seek to check by disfavoring; to deter one from; as, they
       discouraged his efforts.
    Syn: To dishearten; dispirit; depress; deject; dissuade;
  2. \Dis*cour"age\, n.
    Lack of courage; cowardliness.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: afflict, anticipate, avert, awe, bar, beat down, blunt, bother, cast down, check, chill, cool, cow, damp, dampen, dampen the spirits, darken, dash, daunt, debar, deflect, deject, demoralize, depress, deter, disaffect, disapprove of, dishearten, disincline, disinterest, dismay, disparage, dispirit, dissuade, distract, distress, divert, droop, estop, exclude, faze, fend, fend off, forbid, foreclose, forestall, frighten, help, hinder, indispose, inhibit, intimidate, irk, keep from, keep off, knock down, lower, lower the spirits, obviate, oppose, oppress, overawe, preclude, press down, prevent, prohibit, put off, quench, repel, restrain, rule out, sadden, save, scare, shake, sink, slow, stave off, stop, suppress, talk out of, trouble, try, turn aside, turn away, turn from, turn off, unman, unnerve, vex, ward off, wean from, weigh, weigh heavy upon, weigh upon