Meaning of HEAD
Pronunciation: | | hed
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Seeing a head in your dream means wisdom, intellect, understanding and rationality. It may also represent your accomplishments, self-image, and perception of the world.
Dreaming that someone is trying to rip your head off, suggests that you are not see a situation or problem clearly. Perhaps you are refusing to see the truth. You have to confront the situation or the person despite the pain and discomfort you might feel in doing so. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | A per se, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, ace, acidhead, acknowledgments, acmatic, Adamite, addict, address, administer, administrate, administrator, agua, aim, alcoholic, ament, antecede, anterior, anteriority, apex, apical, aptitude, aptness, aqua, arch, argument, ascendant, at the head, auditor, avert, back, back matter, backhouse, banner, banner head, basement, basis, bastard title, bathroom, be in front, be master, be responsible for, be the bellwether, be the front-runner, beacon, beak, bean, bear, bear for, bear up for, bear up to, bearing, beginning, being, belfry, bend to, bent, bias, bibliography, Big Brother, big cheese, bill, block, blood, boatswain, body, bold front, boltrope, boost, boss, bracket, bracket capital, brain, brainpan, brains, branch, brave face, brave front, break for, break ground, break the ice, breakers, breakwater, brief, brow, bump, bunt, burden, butt, call the signals, can, canvas, cap, cape, capital, capitulum, capsheaf, capsule, captain, caption, caput, cardinal, carry on, case, cast, caste, cat, catch line, catchword, category, catkin, chain smoker, chair, chairman, champion, chap, chapter, character, chersonese, chief, chief executive officer, chieftain, chump, clan, class, clew, climax, closet, cloth, cocaine sniffer, cock, coconut, cokie, collar, colophon, come before, come first, comfort station, command, commander, commanding, commencement, compend, completely, comptroller, conception, concern, conclusion, condensation, condensed version, conduce, conduct, cone, conk, consciousness, conspectus, consummate, contents, contents page, contribute, control, controller, controlling, convenience, copyright page, coral reef, cornice, corymb, cranium, crapper, create, creature, crescendo, crest, cringle, crisis, critical point, crop, crowd of sail, crown, crumpet, cubehead, culminate, culmination, customer, cut off, cyme, dash for, dean, decapitate, decollate, dedication, deeply, delta, derivation, descend, dig, digest, dipsomaniac, direct, directing, directive, directorial, directory, discipline, discourse of reason, discursive reason, display, dispose, divert, division, dome, dominant, dope fiend, doper, draft, drinking water, drop, drop head, dropline, drug abuser, drug addict, drug user, drunkard, duck, ead, earing, earth closet, earthling, eau, employer, encephalon, endleaf, endpaper, endsheet, engineer, entirely, epigraph, epitome, errata, esprit, essence, estate, facade, face, facet, facia, faculty, fellow, fend off, fiend, first, first place, flair, fleece, floor manager, floorman, floorwalker, flyleaf, foam, focus of attention, focus of interest, folio, font, foot, fore, fore edge, fore-and-aft sail, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, foreman, foremost, forepart, forequarter, foreside, forestall, foreword, forge ahead, forward, fount, fountainhead, freak, front, front elevation, front man, front matter, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontispiece, frost, froth, fugleman, fully, gaffer, ganger, general, genesis, genius, get ahead of, get before, gist, glue sniffer, go, go before, go for, go in advance, gourd, govern, governing, governor, grade, grass roots, gravitate, gray matter, ground water, groundling, group, grouping, guide, guiding, guillotine, guy, habitual, half-title page, hand, handle, hanger, hard water, have a tendency, have priority, have the start, head of hair, head off, head over heels, head the line, head the table, head up, heading, headland, headline, headman, headmaster, headmistress, headmost, headpiece, headstream, headwater, headwaters, heavy smoker, heavy water, hegemonic, hegemonistic, hierarch, higher-up, highest, hit for, hold a heading, homo, honcho, hook, hophead, human, human being, hustle, hydrol, hydrometeor, hydrosphere, hype, ice, imprint, in ascendancy, in charge, in chief, in the ascendant, inception, incline, index, individual, inhibit, initiate, inscription, inspector, intellect, intellection, intellectual faculty, intelligence, intercept, introduction, invent, issue, jab, jog, joggle, john, johnny, johnny house, joker, jolt, jostle, jump head, junkie, kick off, kin, knack, label, lap, lather, latrine, laureate, lavatory, lay for, lead, lead off, lead on, lead the dance, lead the way, leader, leadership, leading, leaf, lean, leech, legend, level, life, light out, light the way, limewater, living issue, living soul, loaf, locks, loo, look to, LSD user, luff, madly, maiden, main, main point, make, make for, make the rules, make up to, makeup, man, manage, managerial, managing, managing director, mane, maneuver, manipulate, marijuana smoker, master, mastermind, mat, matter, matter in hand, maximal, maximum, MD, meat, mens, mental capacity, mentality, meridian, meridional, meringue, methhead, mind, mineral water, miniature, monitor, mop, mortal, motif, motive, motto, mousse, move, mull, muslin, narcotics addict, naze, necessary, neck, ness, noddle, noggin, noncommissioned officer, nonpareil, noodle, nose, nous, nudge, nut, obverse, officer, offscum, one, order, organ of thought, origin, original, originate, origination, outhouse, outline, outrank, outstrip, outtop, overarch, overline, overman, overmost, oversee, overseer, overtop, overview, pace, page, pallet, pandect, panicle, paragon, paramount, party, pate, peak, peninsula, perception, perceptiveness, person, personage, personality, pigeonhole, pillhead, pine cone, pinhead, pioneer, plain sail, plunge, point, point at issue, point in question, point to, poke, poll, portrait, portraiture, portrayal, position, pothead, powder room, power of reason, precede, precipitate, precis, predicament, predominant, predominate, preeminent, preface, prefix, preliminaries, premier, prepollent, preponderant, preponderate, prepotent, prescribe, preside over, president, press, press of sail, pressure, prevalent, prevent, primary, prime, prime minister, principal, priority, privy, problem, proceed, proctor, prod, prodigy, profile, promontory, proscenium, provenience, psyche, puff, pull the strings, punch, push, quarterback, question, race, raceme, radical, radix, rag, rain, rainwater, rank, rate, rating, ratio, rationality, reason, reasoning, reasoning faculty, recto, redound to, reduced sail, reef, reef point, reefed sail, regnant, regulate, regulating, regulative, regulatory, reigning, rest room, reverso, review, ridge, rise, riverhead, rocker, root, rubric, rule, ruler, ruling, run, run for, running head, running title, sail, sail for, salt water, sandspit, scalp, scarehead, sconce, screamer, scud, scum, sea foam, sea water, seat of thought, section, senior, sensation, sensorium, sensory, sept, serve, set, set out, set out for, set the pace, set toward, settle, shag, shock, shortened version, shove, show a tendency, signature, silhouette, single, sink, sirdar, skeleton, sketch, skipper, skull, slave driver, smarts, snowbird, soapsuds, soft water, somebody, someone, souffle, soul, source, sovereign, spadix, spearhead, speed freak, spike, spikelet, spindrift, spit, spoondrift, spray, spread, spreadhead, spring water, spume, spur, square sail, stand first, stand in front, stand over, star, start, station, status, steam, steer, steer for, stem, stinging, stock, stop, strain, stratum, straw boss, streamer, stress, strike out, strobile, subdivision, subforeman, subgroup, subhead, subheading, subject, subject matter, subject of thought, suborder, subside, substance, subtitle, suds, summital, super, superintendent, superior, superman, superscription, superstar, supervise, supervisor, supreme, surf, surmount, survey, surveyor, syllabus, synopsis, table of contents, tail, take command, take off, take precedence, take the initiative, take the lead, take the plunge, talent, taproot, taskmaster, tellurian, tend, tend to go, terran, text, thatch, the greatest, the most, theme, thrust, thumbnail sketch, thyrse, tip, tip-top, title, title page, toilet, toilet room, tongue, top, top dog, top off, topic, topical outline, topknot, topmost, train, trend, tresses, trim size, tripper, turn, turning point, type page, ultimate, umbel, understanding, upmost, uppermost, urinal, user, usher in, utterly, van, vanguard, verge, Vernunft, verso, vertical, verticillaster, virtuoso, visitor, ward off, warp, washroom, water, water closet, water vapor, WC, well water, wetting agent, wetting-out agent, white water, wholly, wield authority, wildly, window dressing, wise man, wit, work toward, worldling, zenithal |