Meaning of CLEAN
Pronunciation: | | kleen
WordNet Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
- [n] a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead
- [adv] (slang) completely; used as intensifiers; "clean forgot the appointment"; "I'm plumb (or plum) tuckered out"
- [adv] in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating; "they played fairly"
- [adj] free of drugs; "after a long dependency on heroin she has been clean for 4 years"
- [adj] free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed; "he landed a clean left on his opponent's cheek"; "a clean throw"; "the neat exactness of the surgeon's knife"
- [adj] not carrying concealed weapons
- [adj] (of a record) having no marks of discredit or offense; "a clean voting recor"; "a clean driver's license"
- [adj] free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits; "children with clean shining faces"; "clean white shirts"; "clean dishes"; "a spotlessly clean house"; "cats are clean animals"
- [adj] (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers; "good clean fun"; "a clean joke"
- [adj] not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination; "a clean fuel"; "cleaner and more efficient engines"; "the tactical bomb is reasonably clean"
- [adj] (religion) ritually clean or pure
- [adj] thorough and without qualification; "a clean getaway"; "a clean sweep"; "a clean break"
- [adj] marked by or calling for sportsmanship or fair play; "a clean fight"; "a sporting solution of the disagreement"; "sportsmanlike conduct"
- [adj] of a surface; not written or printed on; "blank pages"; "fill in the blank spaces"; "a clean page"; "wide white margins"
- [adj] (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections; "fair copy"; "a clean manuscript"
- [adj] morally pure; "led a clean life"
- [adj] without difficulties or problems; "a clean test flight"
- [adj] free from impurities; "clean water"; "fresh air"
- [adj] (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims; "efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings"; "clear laughter like a waterfall"; "clear reds and blues"; "a light lilting voice like a silver bell"
- [adj] free of restrictions or qualifications; "a clean bill of health"; "a clear winner"
- [adj] free from sepsis or infection; "a clean (or uninfected) wound"
- [v] clean one's body or parts thereof, as by washing; "clean up before you see your grandparents"; "clean your fingernails before dinner"
- [v] remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits, as of chickens or fruit; "Clean the turkey"
- [v] remove shells or husks from; "clean grain before milling it"
- [v] remove unwanted substances from, as in chemistry
- [v] remove while making clean; "Clean the spots off the rug"
- [v] make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from; "Clean the stove!"; "The dentist cleaned my teeth"
- [v] clean and tidy up the house; "She housecleans every week"
- [v] remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely; "The boys cleaned the sandwich platters"; "The trees were cleaned of apples by the storm"
- [v] deprive wholly of money in a gambling game, robbery, etc.; "The other players cleaned him completely"
- [v] be cleanable; "This stove cleans easily"
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| Synonyms: | | adroit, blank, clean and jerk, cleanable, cleaned, clean-living, cleanly, cleanse, cleansed, clear, complete, cosher, dry-cleaned, empty, fair, fair, fairly, fresh, immaculate, just, kosher, legible, light, make clean, moral, neat, perfect, pick, plum, plumb, pristine, scavenge, scrubbed, speckless, spic, spic-and-span, spick, spick-and-span, sporting, sportsmanlike, spotless, strip, unaddicted, unarmed, unblemished, unclouded, uncontaminating, uninfected, unobjectionable, unqualified, unsoiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, unused, washed, water-washed, white |
| Antonyms: | | begrime, below the belt, bemire, colly, contaminating, dirty, dirty, grime, impure, soil, soiled, unclean, unfairly | |
| See Also: | | alter, antiseptic, bath, bathe, be, bream, brush, change, clean, clean up, decent, decontaminate, deprive, disinfect, divest, do the dishes, douche, dry clean, dust, floss, groom, hoover, hygienise, hygienize, lather, launder, lave, neaten, neaten, pipe-clay, plume, preen, pure, remove, remove, sanitise, sanitize, scavenge, soap, spring-clean, square away, steam, steam clean, straighten, straighten out, sweep, take, take, take away, take away, tidy, tidy, tidy up, vacuum, vacuum-clean, wash, wash, wash up, weightlifting, withdraw, withdraw | |
Webster's 1913 Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
\Clean\, a. [Compar. {Cleaner}; superl. {Cleanest}.] [OE.
clene, AS. cl?ne; akin to OHG. chleini pure, neat, graceful,
small, G. klein small, and perh. to W. glan clean, pure,
bright; all perh. from a primitive, meaning bright, shining.
Cf. {Glair}.]
1. Free from dirt or filth; as, clean clothes.
2. Free from that which is useless or injurious; without
defects; as, clean land; clean timber.
3. Free from awkwardness; not bungling; adroit; dexterous;
as, aclean trick; a clean leap over a fence.
4. Free from errors and vulgarisms; as, a clean style.
5. Free from restraint or neglect; complete; entire.
When ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt
not make clean riddance of corners of thy field.
--Lev. xxiii.
6. Free from moral defilement; sinless; pure.
Create in me a clean heart, O God. --Ps. li. 10
That I am whole, and clean, and meet for Heaven
7. (Script.) Free from ceremonial defilement.
8. Free from that which is corrupting to the morals; pure in
tone; healthy. ``Lothair is clean.'' --F. Harrison.
9. Well-proportioned; shapely; as, clean limbs.
{A clean bill of health}, a certificate from the proper
authority that a ship is free from infection.
{Clean breach}. See under {Breach}, n., 4.
{To make a clean breast}. See under {Breast}.
\Clean\, adv.
1. Without limitation or remainder; quite; perfectly; wholly;
entirely. ``Domestic broils clean overblown.'' --Shak.
``Clean contrary.'' --Milton.
All the people were passed clean over Jordan.
--Josh. iii.
2. Without miscarriage; not bunglingly; dexterously. [Obs.]
``Pope came off clean with Homer.'' --Henley.
\Clean\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cleaned}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Cleaning}.] [See {Clean}, a., and cf. {Cleanse}.]
To render clean; to free from whatever is foul, offensive, or
extraneous; to purify; to cleanse.
{To clean out}, to exhaust; to empty; to get away from (one)
all his money. [Colloq.] --De Quincey.
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
A lazy higher-order purely functional language from the University of Nijmegen. Clean was originally a subset of Lean, designed to be an experimental intermediate language and used to study the graph rewriting model. To help focus on the essential implementation issues it deliberately lacked all syntactic sugar, even infix expressions or complex lists, As it was used more and more to construct all kinds of applications it was eventually turned into a general purpose functional programming language, first released in May 1995. The new language is strongly typed (Milner/Mycroft type system), provides modules and functional I/O (including a WIMP interface), and supports parallel processing and distributed processing on loosely coupled parallel architectures. Parallel execution was originally based on the PABC abstract machine. It is one of the fastest implementations of functional languages available, partly aided by programmer annotations to influence evaluation order. Although the two variants of Clean are rather different, the name Clean can be used to denote either of them. To distinguish, the old version can be referred to as Clean 0.8, and the new as Clean 1.0 or Concurrent Clean. The current release of Clean (1.0) includes a compiler, producing code for the ABC abstract machine, a code generator, compiling the ABC code into either object-code or assembly language (depending on the platform), I/O libraries, a development environment (not all platforms), and documentation. It is supported (or will soon be supported) under Mac OS, Linux, OS/2, Windows 95, SunOS, and Solaris. Home. E-mail: <[email protected]>. Mailing list: <[email protected]>. ["Clean - A Language for Functional Graph Rewriting", T. Brus et al, IR 95, U Nijmegen, Feb 1987]. ["Concurrent Clean", M.C. van Eekelen et al, TR 89-18, U Nijmegen, Netherlands, 1989]. [Jargon File]
1. Used of hardware or software designs, implies "elegance in the small", that is, a design or implementation that may not hold any surprises but does things in a way that is reasonably intuitive and relatively easy to comprehend from the outside. The antonym is "grungy" or crufty. 2. To remove unneeded or undesired files in a effort to reduce clutter: "I'm cleaning up my account." "I cleaned up the garbage and now have 100 Meg free on that partition." [Jargon File]
Easton Bible Dictionary |
| Definition: | | The various forms of uncleanness according to the Mosaic law are enumerated in Lev. 11-15; Num. 19. The division of animals into clean and unclean was probably founded on the practice of sacrifice. It existed before the Flood (Gen. 7:2). The regulations regarding such animals are recorded in Lev. 11 and Deut. 14:1-21. The Hebrews were prohibited from using as food certain animal substances, such as (1) blood; (2) the fat covering the intestines, termed the caul; (3) the fat on the intestines, called the mesentery; (4) the fat of the kidneys; and (5) the fat tail of certain sheep (Ex. 29:13, 22; Lev. 3:4-9; 9:19; 17:10; 19:26). The chief design of these regulations seems to have been to establish a system of regimen which would distinguish the Jews from all other nations. Regarding the design and the abolition of these regulations the reader will find all the details in Lev. 20:24-26; Acts 10:9-16; 11:1-10; Heb. 9:9-14. |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | absolute, absolutely, acknowledge, adept, admit, adroit, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-out, all-pervading, altogether, antiseptic, apt, artistic, authoritative, bath, bathe, blameless, bleach, bleached, blotless, born, bowdlerize, bravura, bright, brighten, brilliant, broad-based, chaste, Christian, clarify, clean, clean out, clean up, clean-cut, cleanly, cleanse, cleansed, clear, clear out, clever, come clean, comely, completely, comprehensive, confess, congenital, consummate, coordinated, crack, crackerjack, creditable, cunning, cute, daedal, Daedalian, dainty, decent, decontaminate, decontaminated, deep-dyed, definite, deft, delouse, deplete, depurate, deterge, dexterous, dextrous, diplomatic, dirt-free, disinfect, disinfected, do, do up, downright, dry-clean, dust, dust off, dyed-in-the-wool, egregious, empty, entirely, erect, estimable, ethical, evacuate, even, excellent, exhaust, exhaustive, expert, expurgate, fair, fancy, fastidious, faultless, fresh, freshen, full of integrity, fully, furbish, good, goodish, graceful, guiltless, gut, handy, highly respectable, high-minded, high-principled, honest, honorable, immaculate, immaculately, impeccable, inculpable, ingenious, innocent, inoffensive, intensive, inviolate, irreproachable, irretrievably, irrevocably, just, kosher, launder, lave, law-abiding, law-loving, law-revering, lustrate, magisterial, manly, masterful, masterly, modest, mop, moral, neat, neaten, no mean, noble, nonpolluted, of cleanly habits, omnibus, omnipresent, order, out-and-out, outright, own up, perfect, perfectly, pervasive, plain, plumb, police, polish, politic, principled, professional, proficient, pure, pure in heart, purehearted, purely, purge, purified, purify, quick, quite, quite some, radical, ready, recondition, reform, regular, renew, renovate, reputable, resourceful, respectable, reveal, right, righteous, right-minded, ritually pure, sanitary, sanitize, scavenge, scour, scrub, scrubbed, sexually innocent, shapely, sheer, shining, shiny, simple, sing, skillful, slick, smooth, smut-free, smutless, snowy, some, sparkling, spill the beans, sponge, sportsmanlike, sportsmanly, spotless, spotlessly, spruce, stainless, stark, statesmanlike, steam-clean, sterile, sterling, straight, straighten out, straighten up, stylish, sweep, sweep out, sweeping, sweet, sweeten, tactful, tahar, taintless, the compleat, the complete, thorough, thoroughgoing, thoroughly, through-and-through, tidy, total, totally, trim, true-dealing, true-devoted, true-disposing, truehearted, true-souled, true-spirited, tubbed, ubiquitous, unadulterated, unarmed, unbesmirched, unblemished, unblotted, unclutter, uncomplicated, unconditional, uncontaminated, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, undefiled, unimpeachable, uninfected, universal, unmitigated, unmixed, unmuddied, unpolluted, unqualified, unrelievedly, unreserved, unrestricted, unsmirched, unsmudged, unsoiled, unspoiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untainted, untarnished, upright, uprighteous, upstanding, utter, utterly, vacuum, veritable, virtuoso, virtuous, wash, wash up, weaponless, well-done, well-favored, well-formed, well-made, well-proportioned, well-scrubbed, well-shaped, well-washed, white, whiten, whitened, wholesale, wholesome, wholly, wipe, wipe off, wipe out, wipe up, workmanlike, worthy, yeomanly |