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Meaning of BLEACH

Pronunciation:  bleech

Matching Terms:  bleach liquor, bleach out, bleached, bleacher, bleachers, Bleachery, Bleaching, bleaching agent, bleaching clay, bleaching earth, bleaching powder

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming of or use bleach means a time of healing and cleansing. You are ready to mend past hurts and resolve any unexpressed emotions.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: achromatization, achromatize, besnow, blanch, blanching, bleach out, bleacher, bleaching, bleaching agent, bleaching powder, blench, bowdlerize, chalk, change color, chlorine, clean, clean out, clean up, cleanse, clear out, decolor, decolorant, decoloration, decolorization, decolorize, decolorizer, decolorizing, delouse, depurate, deterge, dim, discolor, discoloration, drain, drain of color, dry-clean, dull, dust, dust off, etiolate, etiolation, expurgate, fade, fade out, fading, freshen, frost, fume, grizzle, grow pale, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide, lighten, lightening, lime, lose color, lustrate, madder bleach, market bleach, nitrogen tetroxide, oxalic acid, pale, paling, peroxide, purge, purify, reform, scavenge, silver, sodium hypochlorite, sour, spruce, steam-clean, sulfur dioxide, sulfuric acid, sweep out, sweeten, tarnish, tidy, tone down, turn pale, turn white, wan, wash out, white, white sour, whiten, whitening, wipe, wipe off, wipe out, wipe up