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Meaning of DRIVER

Pronunciation:  'drIvur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a golf club (a wood) with a near vertical face that is used for hitting long shots from the tee
  2. [n]  (computer science) a program that determines how a computer will communicate with a peripheral device
  3. [n]  the operator of a motor vehicle
  4. [n]  a golfer who hits the golf ball with a driver
  5. [n]  someone who drives animals that pull a vehicle
 Synonyms: device driver, number one wood
 Antonyms: nondriver
 See Also: automobile driver, automobilist, bus driver, busman, cabby, cabdriver, cabman, charioteer, chauffeur, coachman, designated driver, golf player, golfer, hackdriver, honker, kerb crawler, lasher, linksman, livery driver, mahout, manipulator, motorist, operator, owner-driver, race driver, racer, road hog, roadhog, service program, speed demon, speeder, tailgater, taxidriver, taximan, teamster, test driver, truck driver, trucker, utility, utility program, waggoner, wagoner, wood, worker



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Driv"er\, n. [From {Drive}.]
1. One who, or that which, drives; the person or thing that
   urges or compels anything else to move onward.
2. The person who drives beasts or a carriage; a coachman; a
   charioteer, etc.; hence, also, one who controls the
   movements of a locomotive.
3. An overseer of a gang of slaves or gang of convicts at
   their work.
4. (Mach.) A part that transmits motion to another part by
   contact with it, or through an intermediate relatively
   movable part, as a gear which drives another, or a lever
   which moves another through a link, etc. Specifically:
   (a) The driving wheel of a locomotive.
   (b) An attachment to a lathe, spindle, or face plate to
       turn a carrier.
   (c) A crossbar on a grinding mill spindle to drive the
       upper stone.
5. (Naut.) The after sail in a ship or bark, being a
   fore-and-aft sail attached to a gaff; a spanker. --Totten.
{Driver ant} (Zo["o]l.), a species of African stinging ant;
   one of the visiting ants ({Anomma arcens}); -- so called
   because they move about in vast armies, and drive away or
   devour all insects and other small animals.
Computing Dictionary

1. device driver.

2. The main loop of an event-processing program; the code that gets commands and dispatches them for execution.

3. In the TeX world and the computerised typesetting world in general, a program that translates some device-independent or other common format to something a real device can actually understand.

[Jargon File]

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: absolute monarch, absolute ruler, agent, airscrew, all-powerful ruler, arrogator, autarch, autocrat, backseat driver, boy, bullwhacker, bus driver, busman, butler, cabby, cabdriver, cabman, caesar, cameleer, carter, cartman, charioteer, chauffeur, coachman, coachy, cocher, cochero, commissar, conductor, czar, despot, dictator, disciplinarian, drayman, duce, elephant driver, engineer, equerry, fan, functionary, gardener, gentleman, gharry-wallah, gillie, hack, hackdriver, hackman, hacky, handler, hard master, harness racer, hit-and-run driver, houseboy, houseman, impeller, Jehu, jitney driver, joyrider, lord-in-waiting, mahout, man, manipulator, manservant, martinet, motorist, mule skinner, muleteer, oligarch, operant, operative, operator, oppressor, paddle wheel, pharaoh, pilot, piston, prop, propellant, propeller, propulsor, reinsman, road hog, rotor, runner, screw, screw propeller, Simon Legree, skinner, slave driver, speeder, stage coachman, steersman, stickler, Sunday driver, taxidriver, teamster, truck driver, trucker, truckman, turbine, twin screws, tyrant, usurper, valet, valet de chambre, vetturino, voiturier, wagoner, wagonman, warlord, wheel, whip