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Meaning of CHAUFFEUR

Pronunciation:  'showfur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a man paid to drive a privately owned car
  2. [v]  drive someone in a vehicle
 Synonyms: drive around
 See Also: chauffeuse, drive, driver



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Chauf`feur"\, n. [F., lit., stoker.]
1. [pl.] (F. Hist.) Brigands in bands, who, about 1793,
   pillaged, burned, and killed in parts of France; -- so
   called because they used to burn the feet of their victims
   to extort money.
2. One who manages the running of an automobile; esp., the
   paid operator of a motor vehicle.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: backseat driver, bicycle, bike, boy, bus, bus driver, busman, butler, cabby, cabdriver, catch a train, coachman, cycle, drive, driver, entrain, equerry, gardener, gentleman, gillie, go by rail, hack, hackdriver, hackman, hacky, hit-and-run driver, houseboy, houseman, jitney driver, joyride, joyrider, lord-in-waiting, make a train, man, manservant, motor, motorcycle, motorist, pedal, ride, road hog, speeder, Sunday driver, take a joyride, taxi, taxidriver, teamster, truck driver, trucker, truckman, valet, valet de chambre, wheel