Meaning of PLAY
Pronunciation: | | pley
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | A language for real-time music synthesis. 1977. ["An Introduction to the Play Program", J. Chadabe ete al, Computer Music J 2,1 (1978)]. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abuse, accentuate, accompany, act, act a part, act as, act as foil, act out, act up, acting, action, actions, activism, activity, ad lib, affect, agree, air space, ALGOL, alphabetic data, alphanumeric code, ample scope, amuse, amusement, angular data, ante, ante up, antic, antimasque, ape, appear, apple-polish, appliance, application, article, artifice, assembler, assume, attention, audience success, autograph, back, ball, ballet, barnstorm, be effective, be in action, be occupied with, be responsible for, be unfaithful, beguile, behave, behavior, belittle, belly laugh, bet, bet on, betting, bicker, big time, binary digit, binary scale, binary system, bit, blank check, blue story, bluff, bomb, book, bout, brainchild, broadcast drama, brown-nose, bug, build up, burlesque show, butter up, byte, calculated risk, call, call attention to, caper, caracole, cardsharping, carouse, carry on, carry out, carry through, carte blanche, cast lots, casting lots, cause trouble, cavort, challenge, chance, charade, chord, chunk, clearance, cliff hanger, closet drama, COBOL, come out, comedy drama, command pulses, commands, compete with, compiler, composition, computer code, computer language, computer printout, computer program, concertize, conduct, consider, contend with, contest, control signals, controlled quantity, cooperate, copy, coquet, correcting signals, counterfeit, court, cover, cover up, coverage, critical success, curvet, cut a dido, cut capers, cut lots, cut the cards, cut up, dabble, dally, dance, dancing, data, daytime serial, deal with, decathlon, decry, de-emphasize, delay, delectation, delight, demeanor, depict, deportment, deprecate, device, dialogue, dido, diminish, direct, dirty joke, dirty story, discourse, disparage, disport, dissemble, dissimulate, diversion, divert, do, do a bit, do with, document, documentary drama, doing, double entendre, double-header, doubles, draft, drama, dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, dramatize, draw lots, draw straws, drive, duodrama, duologue, edited version, elbowroom, emote, emotionalize, emphasize, employ, employment, enact, engage, engage in, engrossment, enjoyment, entertain, entertainment, epic theater, error, error signals, essay, ethnic joke, event, execute, exercise, exert, experimental theater, exploit, extemporize, extravaganza, fade, failure, fair copy, fake, feedback pulses, feedback signals, feign, feint, fiction, fiddle, fiddle with, fiddle-faddle, fidget, fidget with, field, film data, final draft, finesse, finger with, finished version, first draft, flatter, flexibility, flicker, flickering, flickering light, flier, flimsy, flirt, flop, flounce, flutter, fluttering, fool, fool around, fool with, FORTRAN, fortune, four-flush, foursome, free course, free hand, free play, free scope, freedom, fribble, frisk, frivol, frivolity, frolic, full scope, full swing, fun, fun and games, function, functioning, funmaking, funny story, gag, gambit, gamble, gambling, gambol, game, games of chance, gaming, gammon, gasser, get top billing, gimmick, give, giveaway, glancing light, go, go along with, good one, good story, good time, Grand Guignol, great fun, gush, handbook, handle, happening, have effect, have free play, have fun, have play, hazard, hazarding, headroom, hesitate, hexadecimal system, high old time, high time, highlight, histrionize, hit, hit show, holograph, horse around, horseplay, howler, idle, impersonate, impose on, improvisational drama, improvise, information, input data, input quantity, instructions, interpret, jape, jerk off, jest, jestbook, jet, jockey, join in, joke, kid around, lambency, latitude, laugh, laughs, lay, lay a wager, lay down, leeway, legitimate drama, let on, let on like, letter, light show, literae scriptae, literary artefact, literary production, literature, loiter, long rope, looseness, lot, lovely time, luck, lucubration, machine language, make, make a bet, make a pretense, make as if, make believe, make go, make light of, make like, make music, make out like, make use of, malfunction, manage, maneuver, maneuvering space, manipulate, manuscript, margin, masque, masquerade as, match, match coins, matter, meet, meet a bet, melodrama, merrymaking, mess around, mess with, message, militate, mime, mimic, minimize, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play, misbehave, misuse, monkey, monkey around, monkey business, monodrama, monologue, morality, morality play, motion, move, movement, movements, multiple messages, music drama, musical revue, mystery, mystery play, no holds barred, noise, nonfiction, numeric data, occupation, octal system, open space, opera, operate, operation, operations, opus, original, oscillograph data, output data, output quantity, overact, pageant, panel show, panic, pantomime, paper, parchment, parlay, participate, participate in, pass, pass for, Passion play, pastoral, pastoral drama, patter, pentathlon, percolate, perform, perform on, perk, personate, philander, picnic, piddle, piece, piece of writing, pilot, place, play a part, play a scene, play against, play around, play at dice, play ball, play by ear, play down, play for time, play of light, play on, play possum, play the game, play the lead, play the ponies, play up, play up to, play with, playact, playing, playlet, play-off, pleasant time, pleasure, ploy, plunge, ply, poem, point, polar data, portray, pose as, potter, practice, praxis, pretend, pretend to be, printed matter, printout, problem play, proceed, procrastinate, production, profess, psychodrama, punch-card data, punt, put, put on, put on airs, putter, quiver, quivering, quiz show, race, radio drama, raffle off, random data, range, reading matter, recension, recreate, recreation, rectangular data, reference quantity, register, render, revelry, review, revue, rib tickler, riot, risk, risking, rival, rollick, romp, room, room to spare, rope, ruly English, run, run around, runoff, scope, scream, screed, scrip, script, scrive, scroll, sea room, second draft, see, see to, sensational play, serial, serve, set, sham, shoot craps, shot, show, sick joke, sidesplitter, sight gag, signals, simulate, single messages, singles, sitcom, situation comedy, sketch, skip, skit, skylarking, sleep around, smatter, soap, soap opera, sociodrama, soft-soap, sortition, space, spare room, spectacle, speculate, speculation, spew, spit, sport, sporting, sportiveness, spotlight, spout, spray, spritz, spurt, spurtle, squirt, stage play, stage show, stake, staking, stall for time, stand pat, star, steal the show, steer, stooge, story, straight drama, stratagem, stress, success, suck up to, surge, suspense drama, swing, symphonize, tableau, tableau vivant, take, take advantage of, take care of, take effect, take off, take on, take part in, take up, talk show, tease, teleplay, television drama, television play, temporize, the written word, theater of cruelty, think about, think nothing of, threesome, tick, tinker, toady to, tolerance, Tom show, tomfoolery, toss, total theater, toy, toy with, trade on, transcript, transcription, tread the boards, treatment, trifle, trifle with, trip, troupe, truckle to, tug the heartstrings, twiddle, twosome, typescript, uncertainty, underline, underscore, undertake, unorganized data, upstage, use, utilize, variety show, vaudeville, vaudeville show, vehicle, venture, version, vie with, visible-speech data, visual joke, vomit, vomit forth, vomit out, wager, wagering, waver, way, wear, well, wheeze, wide berth, wield, wile, wing it, womanize, word-of-mouth success, work, work together, working, workings, wow, writing, yarn |