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Meaning of TOLERANCE

Pronunciation:  'tâluruns

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  the act of tolerating something
  2. [n]  a permissible difference; allowing freedom to move within limits
  3. [n]  a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior
  4. [n]  the power or capacity of an organism to tolerate unfavorable environmental conditions
  5. [n]  willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others
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 Synonyms: allowance, leeway, margin, permissiveness
 Antonyms: intolerance, unpermissiveness
 See Also: acceptance, allowance, attitude, broad-mindedness, capacity, disagreement, discrepancy, disinterest, disposition, divergence, endurance, indulgence, lenience, lenience, leniency, leniency, liberality, liberalness, mental attitude, neutrality, overtolerance, sufferance, temperament, toleration, variance



Products Dictionary

Discusses the nature of tolerance, which means accepting people no matter what they look like, how they live, what they like, or how they do things.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Tol"er*ance\, n.
    1. (Forestry) Capability of growth in more or less shade.
    2. Allowed amount of variation from the standard or from
       exact conformity to the specified dimensions, weight,
       etc., as in various mechanical operations; specif.:
       (Coinage) The amount which coins, either singly or in
       lots, are legally allowed to vary above or below the
       standard of weight or fineness.
  2. \Tol"er*ance\, n. [L. tolerantia: cf. F.
    1. The power or capacity of enduring; the act of enduring;
             Diogenes, one frosty morning, came into the market
             place, shaking, to show his tolerance. --Bacon.
    2. The endurance of the presence or actions of objectionable
       persons, or of the expression of offensive opinions;
    3. (Med.) The power possessed or acquired by some persons of
       bearing doses of medicine which in ordinary cases would
       prove injurious or fatal.
    {Tolerance of the mint}. (Coinage) Same as {Remedy of the
       mint}. See under {Remedy}.
Biology Dictionary
  1. In reference to immunology, the acquisition of nonresponsiveness to a molecule normally recognized by the immune system.
  2. Tolerance is the ability to experience exposure to potentially harmful amounts of a substance without showing an adverse effect.