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Meaning of FORESTRY

Pronunciation:  'foristree

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  the science of planting and caring for forests and the management of growing timber
 See Also: biological science, biology, silviculture



Products Dictionary

A professional forester, Cameron's Uncle Erik takes Cameron with him to work one day and explains how forests are managed, trees harvested, and paper made. Reprint.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\For"est*ry\, n. [Cf. OF. foresterie.]
The art of forming or of cultivating forests; the management
of growing timber.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: afforestation, arboretum, arboriculture, boondocks, bush, bushveld, chase, Christmas tree farming, climax forest, cloud forest, dendrology, forest, forest land, forest management, forest preserve, forestation, fringing forest, gallery forest, greenwood, hanger, index forest, jungle, jungles, logging, lumbering, national forest, palmetto barrens, park, park forest, pine barrens, primeval forest, protection forest, rain forest, reforestation, scrub, scrubland, selection forest, shrubland, silviculture, sprout forest, stand of timber, state forest, timber, timberland, tree farming, tree veld, virgin forest, wildwood, wood, woodcraft, woodland, woods