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Meaning of DIALOGUE

Pronunciation:  'dIu`log

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a literary composition in the form of a conversation between two people; "he has read Plato's Dialogues in the original Greek"
  2. [n]  the lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction
  3. [n]  a conversation between two persons
  4. [n]  a discussion intended to produce an agreement; "the buyout negotiation lasted several days"; "they disagreed but kept an open dialogue"; "talks between Israelis and Palestinians"
 Synonyms: dialog, negotiation, talks
 See Also: actor's line, bargaining, book, collective bargaining, diplomacy, diplomatic negotiations, discussion, duologue, give-and-take, horse trading, literary composition, literary work, mediation, parley, playscript, script, speech, talk, talking, word, words



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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Di"a*logue\ (?; 115), n. [OE. dialogue, L. dialogus,
    fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to converse, dia` through + ? to speak: cf.
    F. dialogue. See {Legend}.]
    1. A conversation between two or more persons; particularly,
       a formal conservation in theatrical performances or in
       scholastic exercises.
    2. A written composition in which two or more persons are
       represented as conversing or reasoning on some topic; as,
       the Dialogues of Plato.
  2. \Di"a*logue\, v. i. [Cf. F. dialoguer.]
    To take part in a dialogue; to dialogize. [R.] --Shak.
  3. \Di"a*logue\, v. t.
    To express as in dialogue. [R.]
          And dialogued for him what he would say. --Shak.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: airing, analysis, antimasque, audience success, ballet, bomb, broadcast drama, bull session, burlesque show, buzz session, canvassing, charade, chat, chinfest, cliff hanger, closet drama, colloquium, colloquy, comedy drama, communication, confab, confabulation, conference, consideration, conversation, converse, critical success, daytime serial, debate, debating, deliberation, dialectic, discussion, documentary drama, drama, dramalogue, dramatic play, dramatic series, duodrama, duologue, epic theater, examination, exchange of views, experimental theater, extravaganza, failure, flop, forum, gasser, giveaway, Grand Guignol, happening, hit, hit show, huddle, improvisational drama, investigation, joint discussion, legitimate drama, logical analysis, logical discussion, masque, meeting, melodrama, minstrel show, miracle, miracle play, monodrama, monologue, morality, morality play, music drama, musical revue, mystery, mystery play, open discussion, open forum, opera, pageant, palaver, panel discussion, panel show, pantomime, parley, Passion play, pastoral, pastoral drama, piece, play, playlet, problem play, psychodrama, question-and-answer session, quiz show, radio drama, rap, rap session, review, revue, seminar, sensational play, serial, show, sitcom, situation comedy, sketch, skit, soap, soap opera, sociodrama, spectacle, speech, stage play, stage show, straight drama, study, success, suspense drama, symposium, tableau, tableau vivant, talk, talk show, talkfest, teleplay, television drama, television play, tete-a-tete, theater of cruelty, Tom show, total theater, town meeting, treatment, trialogue, variety show, vaudeville, vaudeville show, vehicle, ventilation, word-of-mouth success, words, work