Meaning of MEET
Pronunciation: | | meet
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | greatest lower bound |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abide by, abut, accepted, accommodate, accommodate with, accommodated, accord, accost, acknowledged, act up to, adapt, adapt to, adhere, adhere to, adjoin, adjust, adjust to, admitted, advantageous, advisable, affront, agree, agree in opinion, agree with, alight upon, answer, applicable, approach, appropriate, approved, apt, assemble, assemblee, assembly, assignation, assimilate to, at home, attend to, auspicious, avail, balanced, ball, bang, bang into, be equal to, be exposed to, be faithful to, be guided by, be subjected to, bear, beard, becoming, befitting, being done, bell the cat, bend, bite the bullet, bout, brave, brawl, brazen, brazen out, breast, bring before, bring forward, bring up, bump, bump into, bunch, bunch up, call together, cannon, carom, carom into, carousel, carry out, caucus, center, centralize, challenge, chance, chance upon, chime in with, civil, clash, clinch, close, close in, close up, close with, clot, cluster, cohere, coincide, collect, collide, colloquium, come across, come among, come into collision, come together, come up against, come upon, comme il faut, commission, committee, communicate, compete, compete with, competition, comply, comply with, compose, concenter, concentralize, concentrate, conclave, concours, concourse, concur, concuss, conflict, conform, conform to, conformable, confront, confront each other, confront with, congregate, congregation, congress, congruous, connect, contest, convene, convenient, conventicle, convention, conventional, converge, convocation, convoke, cope, copulate, correct, correspond, council, couple, crack up, crash, crash into, cross, crowd, crump, crunch, customary, dance, dare, dash into, date, de rigueur, deal with, decathlon, decent, decorous, defensible, defray, defy, derby, deserved, desirable, diet, discipline, dispose of, ditto, do, do it, do justice to, double-header, doubles, due, echo, eisteddfod, embrace, emulate, encounter, endure, engagement, envisage, equal, equitable, even, evenhanded, event, expedient, experience, face, face the music, face up, face up to, face with, fair, fair and square, fall across, fall among, fall foul of, fall in with, fall upon, favorable, feasible, feel, felicitous, festivity, fete, field day, fight, fill, fill the bill, find, fit, fitten, fitting, flock together, flow together, focus, follow, forgather, forgathering, formal, fortunate, forum, foul, foursome, front, fructuous, fulfill, funnel, fuse, game, games, games of chance, gang around, gang up, gather, gather around, gathering, gear to, genteel, get by, get together with, get-together, go, go along with, go around, go by, go through, go with, good, grapple, gratify, greet, grow together, gymkhana, hack it, handle, hang together, happen upon, happy, harmonize, have, heed, herd together, Highland games, hit, hit against, hive, hold, hold a meeting, hold a session, hold by, hold together, horde, housewarming, huddle, hurt, hurtle, impinge, intercommunicate, intersect, jockey, join, joust, just, just do, justifiable, justified, keep, keep faith with, knit, knock, knock against, know, labor under, lawful, lay before, league, legal, levee, level, light, light upon, likely, link, link up, liquidate, live up to, luck, lucky, make conform, make good, make the grade, mass, match, matching, measure up, meet and right, meet boldly, meet head-on, meet requirements, meet squarely, meet up with, meet with, meeting, merge, merited, mill, mold, muster, narrow the gap, nip, observe, Olympiad, Olympic games, Olympics, open, opportune, oppose, orthodox, outvie, panel, party, pass, pass muster, pass through, pay, pentathlon, percuss, pinch, pitch upon, place before, play, play-off, plenum, politic, present to, profitable, prom, proper, propitious, providential, put it to, qualify, quorum, race, rally, rally around, reach, received, reception, recognized, recommendable, reconcile, reconciled, rectify, regard, regatta, rencontre, rendezvous, respect, right, right and proper, rightful, ripe, rival, rub off corners, run across, run into, run smack into, run the gauntlet, run together, run up against, run upon, runoff, salute, satisfy, seance, seasonable, see, seemly, seethe, serve, serve the purpose, session, set at defiance, set before, settle, shape, shindig, side with, sideswipe, singles, sit, sit-in, sitting, slam into, smack into, smash, smash into, smash up, soiree, sortable, speak out, speak up, spend, sport, square, stand, stand under, stand up, stand up to, stem, straighten, stream, stretch, strike, strike against, strike in with, stumble, stumble on, suffer, suffice, suit, suitable, summon, surge, sustain, swarm, symposium, synod, take care of, take it, take on, tally with, taper, taste, test, test one another, the Olympics, threesome, throng, tie, tilt, timely, to be desired, touch, tournament, tourney, track meet, traditional, trial, tumble, turnout, tussle, twosome, undergo, unite, urbane, useful, vie, vie with, warrantable, warranted, well-timed, whomp, wise, work, worthwhile, wrestle, yield |