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Meaning of CAROUSEL

Pronunciation:  `karu'sel

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  large mechanical apparatus with seats for children to ride on
  2. [n]  carries luggage to air travelers
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 Synonyms: carrousel, luggage carousel, luggage carrousel, merry-go-round, roundabout, whirligig
 See Also: conveyer, conveyer belt, conveyor, conveyor belt, ride, transporter



Products Dictionary

Paris, December 1942. The corpse of a naked girl has been found, strangled. Not far away, the body of a young man is discovered with his throat slashed, tied to the back of a carousel animal. A Wehrmacht corporal is killed. Scattered ancient Roman coins connect the three victims. Is it the Resistance? Or are sex and greed, the oldest of motivations, still rampant in a country groaning under the burden of Occupation?

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Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: chutes, chute-the-chutes, disk, Ferris wheel, field day, flying horses, games, gymkhana, Highland games, meet, merry-go-round, Olympiad, Olympic games, rally, regatta, roller, roller coaster, rolling stone, rotator, rotor, roundabout, rundle, seesaw, swing, teeter-totter, the Olympics, top, tournament, tourney, track meet, wheel, whip, whirlabout, whirler, whirligig