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Meaning of CANNON

Pronunciation:  'kanun

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a shot in billiards in which the cue ball contacts one object ball and then the other
  2. [n]  lower part of the leg extending from the hock to the fetlock in hoofed mammals
  3. [n]  a large artillery gun that is usually on wheels
  4. [n]  heavy automatic gun fired from an airplane
  5. [n]  (medieval) a cylindrical piece of armor plate to protect the arm
  6. [n]  heavy gun fired from a tank
  7. [v]  make a cannon, in billiards
  8. [v]  fire a cannon
 Synonyms: carom, shank
 See Also: animal leg, armor plate, armor plating, armored combat vehicle, armour plate, armoured combat vehicle, army tank, artillery, basilisk, billiards, body armor, body armour, body part, bomber, cannon bone, cataphract, coat of mail, discharge, gun, harpoon gun, heavy weapon, high-angle gun, hit, hoofed mammal, long tom, lower cannon, muster out, ordnance, plate armor, plate armour, pocket billiards, pool, rerebrace, shot, stroke, suit of armor, suit of armour, tank, ungulate, upper cannon, vambrace



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Can"non\, n.; pl. {Cannons}, collectively {Cannon}. [F.
    cannon, fr. L. canna reed, pipe, tube. See {Cane}.]
    1. A great gun; a piece of ordnance or artillery; a firearm
       for discharging heavy shot with great force.
    Note: Cannons are made of various materials, as iron, brass,
          bronze, and steel, and of various sizes and shapes with
          respect to the special service for which they are
          intended, as intended, as siege, seacoast, naval,
          field, or mountain, guns. They always aproach more or
          less nearly to a cylindrical from, being usually
          thicker toward the breech than at the muzzle. Formerly
          they were cast hollow, afterwards they were cast,
          solid, and bored out. The cannon now most in use for
          the armament of war vessels and for seacoast defense
          consists of a forged steel tube reinforced with massive
          steel rings shrunk upon it. Howitzers and mortars are
          sometimes called cannon. See {Gun}.
    2. (Mech.) A hollow cylindrical piece carried by a revolving
       shaft, on which it may, however, revolve independently.
    3. (Printing.) A kind of type. See {Canon}.
    {Cannon ball}, strictly, a round solid missile of stone or
       iron made to be fired from a cannon, but now often applied
       to a missile of any shape, whether solid or hollow, made
       for cannon. Elongated and cylindrical missiles are
       sometimes called bolts; hollow ones charged with
       explosives are properly called shells.
    {Cannon bullet}, a cannon ball. [Obs.]
    {Cannon cracker}, a fire cracker of large size.
    {Cannon lock}, a device for firing a cannon by a percussion
    {Cannon metal}. See {Gun Metal}.
    {Cannon pinion}, the pinion on the minute hand arbor of a
       watch or clock, which drives the hand but permits it to be
       moved in setting.
    {Cannon proof}, impenetrable by cannon balls.
    {Cannon shot}.
       (a) A cannon ball.
       (b) The range of a cannon.
  2. \Can"non\, n. & v. (Billiards)
    See {Carom}. [Eng.]
  3. \Can"non\, v. i.
    1. To discharge cannon.
    2. To collide or strike violently, esp. so as to glance off
       or rebound; to strike and rebound.
             He heard the right-hand goal post crack as a pony
             cannoned into it -- crack, splinter, and fall like a
             mast.                                 --Kipling.
Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Seeing a cannon in your dream, suggests that there is something drastic that needs to be done immediately.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: aim at, appulse, artillery, backfire, backlash, bang, bang into, barrage, battery, blast, blitz, bombard, boomerang, bounce, bounce back, bound, bound back, bowshot, brunt, bulldozing, bullet, bulling, bump, bump into, cannon off, cannonade, cannonry, carambole, carom, carom into, clash, coast artillery, collide, collision, come into collision, commence firing, concuss, concussion, confront each other, crack up, crack-up, crash, crash into, crump, crunch, cutpurse, dash into, detonation, dip, discharge, diver, ejection, encounter, enfilade, fall foul of, field artillery, fire a volley, fire at, fire upon, flak, fly back, foul, fusillade, gun, gunfire, gunshot, hammering, have repercussions, heavy field artillery, hit, hit against, hurt, hurtle, impact, impinge, impingement, kick, kick back, knock, knock against, lash back, mauling, meet, meeting, mortar, onslaught, open fire, open up on, ordnance, pepper, percuss, percussion, pop at, potshot, rake, ramming, rebound, recalcitrate, recoil, repercuss, resile, ricochet, run into, salvo, shell, shock, shoot, shoot at, shot, sideswipe, siege artillery, siege engine, slam into, sledgehammering, smack into, smash, smash into, smash up, smashing, smash-up, snap back, snipe, snipe at, spray, spring, spring back, stoneshot, strafe, strike, strike against, take aim at, tattoo, thrusting, torpedo, trench artillery, volley, whomp, wire, zero in on