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Meaning of PLENUM

Pronunciation:  'pleenum

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  an enclosed space in which the air pressure is higher than outside
 See Also: enclosure



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Ple"num\, n. (Ventilation)
    A condition, as in an occupied room, in which the pressure of
    the air is greater than that of the outside atmosphere; as, a
    plenum may exist in a hall ventilated by a fan blower.
  2. \Ple"num\, n. [L., fr. plenus full.]
    That state in which every part of space is supposed to be
    full of matter; -- opposed to vacuum. --G. Francis.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: air, all, all being, all creation, allness, array, articulation, assemblee, assembly, assignation, at home, atom, atomic particles, ball, bank, brawl, brute matter, building block, buzz, catena, catenation, caucus, chain, chain reaction, chaining, chemical element, colloquium, commission, committee, component, concatenation, conclave, concourse, congregation, congress, connection, consecution, constituent, continuum, conventicle, convention, convocation, Copernican universe, cosmos, council, course, created nature, created universe, creation, cycle, dance, date, descent, diet, drone, earth, Einsteinian universe, eisteddfod, element, elementary particle, elementary unit, endless belt, endless round, everything that is, expanding universe, festivity, fete, file, filiation, fire, forgathering, forum, fundamental particle, gamut, gathering, get-together, gradation, housewarming, hum, hyle, hypostasis, Indian file, levee, line, lineage, macrocosm, macrocosmos, material, material world, materiality, matter, meet, meeting, megacosm, metagalaxy, molecule, monad, monotone, natural world, nature, Newtonian universe, nexus, omneity, panel, party, pendulum, periodicity, physical world, powder train, progression, prom, Ptolemaic universe, pulsating universe, queue, quorum, rally, range, rank, reception, recurrence, rendezvous, reticulation, rotation, round, routine, row, run, scale, seance, sequence, series, session, shindig, sidereal universe, single file, sit-in, sitting, soiree, spectrum, steady-state universe, string, stuff, substance, substratum, succession, sum of things, swath, symposium, synod, system, the four elements, thread, tier, totality, totality of being, train, turnout, unit of being, universe, water, whole wide world, wide world, windrow, world, world without end