Meaning of DO
Pronunciation: | | doo
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | 1. repeat loop. 2. The country code for Dominican Republic. |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | accompany, accomplish, achieve, acquit, act, act a part, act as, act like, act out, advantage, affect, answer, ape, appear, arrival, assister, assume, attain, attend, author, avail, bake, banquet, barbecue, baste, be about, be at, be doing, be engaged in, be equal to, be good enough, be handy, be occupied with, be of use, be OK, be present at, be productive, bear, beat, beget, behave, benefit, bestead, betide, bilk, blanch, blowout, boil, borrow, bottom, braise, break, breed, brew, bring about, bring forth, bring into being, bring off, bring to effect, bring to fruition, bring to pass, broil, brown, carnival, carry into execution, carry on, carry out, carry through, catch, cause, chance, cheat, chord, chorus, chouse, clear up, clip off, coddle, come off, come to, commit, compass, complete, comport, conceive, concertize, conclude, conduct, consummate, cook, copy, counterfeit, course, cover, cozen, crack, create, crib, curry, deal with, debug, decipher, decode, defraud, demean, deport, determine, develop, devil, diddle, discharge, discourse, disentangle, dispatch, dispose of, ditto, divine, do it, do like, do out of, do the job, do the trick, do to, do to perfection, dope, dope out, echo, effect, effectuate, employ, enact, end, engage in, engender, engineer, establish, execute, exercise, explain, fair, fake, fall out, fare, father, fathom, feast, festival, festive occasion, festivity, fetch, fete, field day, fiesta, figure out, fill the bill, find out, find the answer, find the solution, finish, fire, fit, flimflam, follow, forge, found, fricassee, frizz, frizzle, fry, fulfill, gala, gala affair, gala day, generate, gestate, get, get along, get by, get on, get right, give birth to, give good returns, give occasion to, give origin to, give rise to, go, go and do, go around, go at, go in for, go like, go on, go over, go to, great doings, griddle, grill, guess, guess right, gyp, hack it, halt, have it, have the goodness, heat, high jinks, hit, hit it, hoke, hoke up, hold, I beg you, if you please, imitate, impersonate, inaugurate, industrialize, inflict, institute, interpret, jamboree, just do, kermis, knock off, look on, make, make like, make music, make out, make the grade, manage, Mardi Gras, masquerade as, mass-produce, measure, meet, meet requirements, mime, mimic, mirror, misbehave, move, muddle through, occasion, occur, open the lock, originate, oven-bake, overpass, overproduce, overreach, pan, pan-broil, pantomime, parboil, party, pass, pass for, pass muster, pass over, pass through, patrol, pay, pay off, perambulate, peregrinate, pererrate, perform, perpetrate, personate, picnic, plagiarize, play, play a part, play by ear, playact, please, plumb, ply, poach, polish off, pose as, practice, pray, pray do, prepare, prepare food, pretend to be, prithee, proceed, produce, profit, prosecute, psych, psych out, pull off, pursue, put away, puzzle out, qualify, quit, range, range over, ravel, ravel out, reach, realize, reconnoiter, reecho, reflect, relate, render, repeat, resolve, riddle, roast, satisfy, Saturnalia, saute, scallop, scour, scour the country, scout, sear, see, serve, serve the purpose, set afloat, set on foot, set up, shirr, show up, simmer, simulate, sire, sit in, solve, sort out, specialize in, stagger, stand, stand up, steam, stew, stir-fry, stretch, succeed, suffice, suit, sweep, symphonize, tackle, take and do, take care of, take in, take it, take off, take on, take to, take up, terminate, toast, track, transit, transpire, travel over, travel through, traverse, turn the trick, turn up, undertake, undo, unlock, unravel, unriddle, unscramble, untangle, untwist, unweave, up and do, use, visit, volume-produce, voyage, wage, watch, waygoose, wayzgoose, will you, wind up, witness, work, work at, work out, wrap up, wreak, yield a profit |
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