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Meaning of SCOUT

Pronunciation:  skawt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a person employed to watch for something to happen
  2. [n]  someone who can find paths through unexplored territory
  3. [n]  someone employed to discover and recruit talented persons (especially in the worlds of entertainment or sports)
  4. [v]  explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody
 Synonyms: guide, lookout, lookout man, pathfinder, picket, reconnoiter, reconnoitre, sentinel, sentry, spotter, talent scout, watch
 See Also: expert, hunting guide, observe, recruiter, security guard, watcher, watchman



Products Dictionary

A lift-the-flap book sprinkled with lots of dog facts follows fun and friendly Scout doing all sorts of dog things, portraying a dog's many moods, and avoiding his worst enemy, the feline.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Scout\, n.
    A boy scout (which see, above).
  2. \Scout\ (skout), n. [Icel. sk[=u]ta a small craft or
    A swift sailing boat. [Obs.]
          So we took a scout, very much pleased with the manner
          and conversation of the passengers.      --Pepys.
  3. \Scout\, n. [Icel. sk[=u]ta to jut out. Cf. {Scout} to
    A projecting rock. [Prov. Eng.] --Wright.
  4. \Scout\ (skout), v. t. [Icel. sk[=u]ta a taunt; cf. Icel.
    sk[=u]ta to jut out, skota to shove, skj[=o]ta to shoot, to
    shove. See {Shoot}.]
    To reject with contempt, as something absurd; to treat with
    ridicule; to flout; as, to scout an idea or an apology.
    ``Flout 'em and scout 'em.'' --Shak.
  5. \Scout\, n. [OF. escoute scout, spy, fr. escouter,
    escolter, to listen, to hear, F. ['e]couter, fr. L.
    auscultare, to hear with attention, to listen to. See
    1. A person sent out to gain and bring in tidings;
       especially, one employed in war to gain information of the
       movements and condition of an enemy.
             Scouts each coast light-arm[`e]d scour, Each
             quarter, to descry the distant foe.   --Milton.
    2. A college student's or undergraduate's servant; -- so
       called in Oxford, England; at Cambridge called a gyp; and
       at Dublin, a skip. [Cant]
    3. (Cricket) A fielder in a game for practice.
    4. The act of scouting or reconnoitering. [Colloq.]
             While the rat is on the scout.        --Cowper.
    Syn: {Scout}, {Spy}.
    Usage: In a military sense a scout is a soldier who does duty
           in his proper uniform, however hazardous his
           adventure. A spy is one who in disguise penetrates the
           enemies' lines, or lurks near them, to obtain
  6. \Scout\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scouted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To observe, watch, or look for, as a scout; to follow for
       the purpose of observation, as a scout.
             Take more men, And scout him round.   --Beau. & Fl.
    2. To pass over or through, as a scout; to reconnoiter; as,
       to scout a country.
  7. \Scout\, v. i.
    To go on the business of scouting, or watching the motions of
    an enemy; to act as a scout.
          With obscure wing Scout far and wide into the realm of
          night.                                   --Milton.