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Meaning of CUTTER

Pronunciation:  'kutur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a cutting implement; a tool for cutting
  2. [n]  a sailing vessel with a single mast set further back than the mast of a sloop
  3. [n]  a boat for communication between ship and shore
  4. [n]  someone whose work is cutting (as e.g. cutting cloth for garments)
  5. [n]  someone who carves the meat
  6. [n]  someone who cuts or carves stone
 Synonyms: carver, cutlery, cutting tool, pinnace, ship's boat, stonecutter, tender
 See Also: boat, bolt cutter, cigar cutter, cutting implement, die, diner, edge tool, garment cutter, gem cutter, gig, glass cutter, glasscutter, quarrier, quarryman, sailing ship, sailing vessel, skilled worker, tile cutter, trained worker



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Chicago police detective Jimmy Parisi tracks a serial killer who, in a fresh twist, works for a syndicate that sells his victims` body parts on the black market. Eventually Parisi is forced to use his new wife, policewoman Natalie, as bait to trap the killer.

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Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Cut"ter\ (k?t"t?r), n.
1. One who cuts; as, a stone cutter; a die cutter; esp., one
   who cuts out garments.
2. That which cuts; a machine or part of a machine, or a tool
   or instrument used for cutting, as that part of a mower
   which severs the stalk, or as a paper cutter.
3. A fore tooth; an incisor. --Ray.
4. (Naut.)
   (a) A boat used by ships of war.
   (b) A fast sailing vessel with one mast, rigged in most
       essentials like a sloop. A cutter is narrower end
       deeper than a sloop of the same length, and depends
       for stability on a deep keel, often heavily weighted
       with lead.
   (c) A small armed vessel, usually a steamer, in the
       revenue marine service; -- also called {revenue
5. A small, light one-horse sleigh.
6. An officer in the exchequer who notes by cutting on the
   tallies the sums paid.
7. A ruffian; a bravo; a destroyer. [Obs.]
8. A kind of soft yellow brick, used for facework; -- so
   called from the facility with which it can be cut.
{Cutter bar}. (Mach.)
   (a) A bar which carries a cutter or cutting tool, as in a
       boring machine.
   (b) The bar to which the triangular knives of a harvester
       are attached.
{Cutter head} (Mach.), a rotating head, which itself forms a
   cutter, or a rotating stock to which cutters may be
   attached, as in a planing or matching machine. --Knight.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abridger, abstracter, analyzer, ax, baby tooth, bicuspid, blade, breaker, bucktooth, canine, centrifuge, cold steel, crown, cuspid, cutlery, dagger, deciduous tooth, dent, denticle, denticulation, dentil, dentition, dogtooth, edge tools, epitomist, epitomizer, eyetooth, fang, finisher, fore tooth, gagtooth, gang tooth, garmentmaker, garmentworker, gold tooth, grinder, incisor, knife, milk tooth, molar, naked steel, needleworker, peg, permanent tooth, pigsticker, pivot tooth, point, premolar, puncturer, scrivello, separator, sharpener, shortener, sieve, snag, snaggletooth, steel, stitcher, stripper, sword, toad sticker, tooth, tush, tusk, whittle, wisdom tooth