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Meaning of BICUSPID

Pronunciation:  bI'kuspid

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a tooth having two cusps or points; located between the incisors and the molars
  2. [adj]  having two cusps or points (especially a molar tooth); "bicuspid teeth"; "bicuspid leaves"
 Synonyms: angular, angulate, bicuspidate, premolar
 See Also: tooth



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Bi*cus"pid\, Bicuspidate \Bi*cus"pid*ate\, a. [See
    pref. {Bi-}, and {Cuspidate}.]
    Having two points or prominences; ending in two points; --
    said of teeth, leaves, fruit, etc.
  2. \Bi*cus"pid\, n. (Anat.)
    One of the two double-pointed teeth which intervene between
    the canines (cuspids) and the molars, on each side of each
    jaw. See {Tooth}, n.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: baby tooth, biaxial, bicameral, bifid, biform, binocular, binomial, binominal, bipartite, biped, bipetalous, bipinnate, bisexual, bivalent, bucktooth, canine, crown, cuspid, cutter, deciduous tooth, dent, dental, denticle, denticulation, dentiform, dentil, dentition, dentoid, dogtooth, eyetooth, fang, fanged, fore tooth, gagtooth, gang tooth, gold tooth, grinder, incisor, milk tooth, molar, odontoid, peg, permanent tooth, pivot tooth, premolar, scrivello, snag, snaggled, snaggletooth, snaggle-toothed, tooth, toothed, toothlike, toothy, tush, tusk, tusked, unibivalent, wisdom tooth