Meaning of MASTER
Pronunciation: | | 'mastur
Matching Terms: | | Mastectomy, masted, master bedroom, master copy, master cylinder, master file, Master in Business, Master in Public Affairs, master key, Master of Architecture, Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Library Science, Master of Arts in Teaching, master of ceremonies, Master of Divinity, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Laws, Master of Library Science, Master of Literature, Master of Science, Master of Science in Engineering, Master of Theology, master plan, master race, master sergeant, Master vibrator, master(a), master-at-arms, Masterdom, mastered, masterful, masterfully, Masterhood, mastering, masterless, Masterliness, Masterly, mastermind, Masterous, masterpiece, Masters, master's degree, Mastership, Mastersinger, masterstroke, masterwort, mastery
Dream Dictionary |
| Definition: | | Dreaming that you are a master means that you will hold high positions and gain much wealth.
Dreaming that you have a master indicates your feelings of inadequacy and that you need a strong-willed leader to guide you. |
| Websites: | | |
Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | A per se, abecedarian, absorb, academic dean, ace, adept, administration, administrator, all-absorbing, amicus curiae, ancestors, appreciate, apprehend, apprentice, arch, architect, art object, artificer, artisan, artist, artiste, ascendant, assessor, assimilate, at the head, attain mastery of, author, authority, baccalaureate, baccalaureus, bachelor, banner, barmaster, basic, be with one, beat down, become adept in, begetter, beginner, bend, beneficiary, best, bestride, big boss, big cheese, big wheel, biggest, boatswain, boss, boy, brainchild, break, break down, bric-a-brac, bridle, bring low, bring to terms, bub, bubba, buck, bud, buddy, builder, capital, captain, cardinal, castellan, catch, catch on, central, certified teacher, cestui, cestui que trust, cestui que use, champ, champion, chancellor, chatelain, chatelaine, check, chief, chief engineer, chief mate, chieftain, circuit judge, classic, colt, commandant, commander, commanding, composition, comprehend, conceive, conceiver, conquer, conquering hero, conqueror, conquistador, constructor, control, controller, controlling, copyist, crack, crackerjack, craftsman, craftswoman, creation, creator, crowning, crush, cub, dauber, daubster, dean, dean of men, dean of women, deck officer, deedholder, defeater, degree, design, designer, deviser, dictate, dig, digest, director, discoverer, docent, doctor, doctorate, domesticize, domiciliate, dominant, dominate, dominie, don, down, doyen, doyenne, easy winner, educationist, educator, effector, elder, elder statesman, employer, engenderer, engineer, executive, executor, executrix, expert, father, fathom, fell, fellow, feoffee, feudatory, first, first-rater, flatten, fledgling, focal, follow, foremost, founder, fugleman, gaffer, general, generator, genius, get, get down cold, get down pat, get hold of, get taped, get the drift, get the idea, get the picture, get up on, good hand, govern, governing, governor, grasp, great, great soul, grotesque, grower, guide, guru, handicraftsman, have, have it taped, have the ascendancy, head, headmaster, headmistress, headmost, hegemonic, hegemonistic, hero, high priest, higher-up, highest, hobbledehoy, householder, humble, humiliate, hurdle, illuminate, important person, in ascendancy, in charge, in chief, in the ascendant, inaugurator, industrialist, ingenious, initiator, instigator, institutor, instructor, intellect, intellectual, intendant, introducer, inventor, JA, journeyman, judge advocate, judge ordinary, jurat, justice in eyre, justice of assize, ken, kingfish, kingpin, kitsch, know, know well, lad, laddie, laird, landlady, landlord, laureate, lay judge, leader, leading, learn, learn the ropes, legal assessor, lick, lord, lover of wisdom, maestro, magician, magisterial, mahatma, main, maker, man of genius, man of intellect, man of wisdom, manager, manchild, mandarin, manufacturer, master carpenter, master craftsman, master hand, masterful, masterly, mastermind, masterpiece, masterwork, mate, maven, mechanic, melamed, mentor, mesne, mesne lord, military judge, mistress, mobile, monarch, mother, muchacho, mullah, museum piece, naval officer, navigating officer, navigator, nonpareil, nude, OD, old hand, old master, ombudsman, oracle, ordinary, organizer, originator, overall, overbearing, overcome, overmaster, override, overriding, overruling, overseer, overwhelm, owner, pancratiast, pandit, paragon, paramount, paramour, past, past master, pasticcio, pastiche, patron, pedagogist, pedagogue, personage, philosopher, pick up, piece, piece of virtu, pipes, planner, play first fiddle, police judge, practiced hand, preceptor, precursor, predominant, predominate, preeminent, premier, prentice, prepollent, preponderant, preponderate, prepotent, president, presiding judge, prevail, prevailing, prevalent, primal, primary, prime, prime mover, principal, pro, probate judge, prodigy, producer, professional, professor, proficient, proprietary, proprietor, proprietress, proprietrix, provost, puisne judge, pundit, pup, puppy, put down, quartermaster, quell, rabbi, raiser, ranking, read, realize, realizer, recorder, rector, reduce, regnant, regulating, regulative, regulatory, reigning, rentier, repress, ride down, rishi, rule, rule the roost, ruler, ruling, runner-up, sage, sailing master, sapient, savant, savvy, scholar, schoolboy, schoolkeeper, schoolmaster, schoolteacher, second mate, seer, seize, seize the meaning, senior, sense, shaper, shipmaster, shoo-in, sire, skilled, skilled hand, skillful, skipper, smash, smith, sonny, sonny boy, sovereign, squire, stabile, star, starets, statue, stellar, still life, study, subdue, subduer, subjugate, subjugator, supereminent, superintendent, superior, superman, superstar, supervisor, suppress, supreme, sure winner, surmount, take, take in, take the lead, tame, taskmaster, teacher, technician, the greatest, the most, the Old Man, thinker, throw, titleholder, top dog, topflight, topmost, topnotcher, trample down, trample underfoot, tread underfoot, triumph, triumpher, tutor, twist, tyrannize, understand, unman, uppermost, vanquish, vanquisher, vice-chancellor, victor, virtu, virtuoso, watch officer, wear the pants, whelp, whiz, winner, wise man, wise old man, wizard, work, work of art, wright, young man, youth |