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Meaning of DROP

Pronunciation:  drâp

Dream Dictionary
 Definition: Dreaming that you are dropping things indicates that you are letting go some project, relationship, person, or idea. Also analyze the significance of what is being dropped. Alternatively, it may represent your carelessness. Perhaps you are expressing some dismay or regret in how you let something slip through fingers.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abandon, abate, abdicate, abeyance, abjure, ablate, acknowledge defeat, act drop, advantage, asbestos, asbestos board, ascend, ax, backdrop, backslide, balm, balsam, bank, bate, batten, be bereaved of, be confined, be eaten away, bead, bear, bear a child, bear young, belly buster, belly flop, belly whopper, bit, black out, block, blow, blow down, blow over, blow to pieces, blow up, boot out, border, bounce, bowl down, bowl over, brain, break, break down, break the habit, bring down, bulge, bulldog, burn out, burn to death, caesura, call off, call on, calve, can, cannonball, cant, careen, cascade, cash in, cast, cast down, cast off, catabasis, cataract, cave in, cease, cease-fire, cede, charge, chop down, chuck, chute, climb, cloth, cock, coign of vantage, collapse, come apart, come by, come down, come off, come unstuck, comedown, condensation, condense, conk out, consume, consume away, corrode, coulisse, counterweight, crack up, crash, crash dive, cross, crumb, crumble, cry quits, curtain, curtain board, cut down, cut out, cut to pieces, cyclorama, dab, dash, dash down, day off, deal a deathblow, death chair, death chamber, debacle, debasement, decadence, decadency, decamp, decease, deceleration, deck, declension, declination, decline, decline and fall, declivity, decor, decrease, decrescendo, deepness, default, defluxion, deformation, degeneracy, degenerateness, degeneration, degradation, deliquesce, demise, demotion, depart, deposit, depravation, depravedness, depreciation, derogation, descend, descending, descension, descent, desert, desist, desist from, deterioration, detonate, devolution, dewdrop, die, die away, diminish, diminuendo, dip, dip down, discard, discharge, discontinue, disgorge, disintegrate, dismiss, dispense with, dispose of, distill, distillation, disuse, ditch, dive, do without, doff, dot, douse, down, downbend, downcome, downcurve, downfall, downflow, downgate, downgrade, downhill, downpour, downrush, downslide, downswing, downtrend, downturn, downward mobility, downward trend, draft, dram, drench, dribble, driblet, drink, drip, dripping, drippings, dripple, droop, drop, drop curtain, drop down, drop in on, drop off, drop out, droplet, dropping, drops, drug, dump, dwindle, dwindling, dying, ebb, edge, effeteness, eject, electric chair, electuary, eliminate, elixir, end, erode, ethical drug, exclude, expire, fade, fading, fail, failing, failure, failure of nerve, faint, fall, fall away, fall down, fall off, fall senseless, falling, falling-off, falloff, farrow, fatigue, fawn, fell, fetch down, filter, fire, fire curtain, fire off, fizzle out, flag, flat, fleck, flipper, floor, flying start, flyspeck, foal, forfeit, forgo, forsake, forswear, frag, gainer, gallows, gallows-tree, gargle, gas chamber, gasp, generic name, get along without, get rid of, get tired, gibbet, give away, give birth, give out, give over, give the quietus, give up, give way, globule, gnat, go astray from, go away, go down, go downhill, go off, go soft, go to pieces, go uphill, gobbet, grade, grain, gravitate, gravitation, gray out, ground, grow weary, guillotine, gun, gun down, gun for, gurgle, guzzle, halter, hand over, hang, hanging, have, have a baby, have done with, have young, head, head start, header, hemp, hempen collar, herbs, hesitation, hew down, hit, hit the skids, holiday, hot seat, incinerate, inclination, incline, incur loss, inhalant, inside track, interim, interlude, intermezzo, intermission, intermittence, interruption, interval, involution, iota, jackknife, jade, jigger, jilt, jolt, jot, jugulate, jump, keel, keel over, kick, kiss good-bye, kitten, knock down, labor, lamb, languish, lapidate, lapse, lay, lay down, lay level, lay low, lay out, layoff, leach, leaching, lead, leak, leak out, leakage, leaking, lean, leave, leave off, leave out, lessen, let drop, let fly, let go, let off, let out, let slip, let up, lethal chamber, letter box, letter drop, letup, level, libation, lie in, lincture, linctus, list, litter, lixiviate, lixiviation, load, lose, lose altitude, lose out, loss of tone, lota, lower, lull, maiden, mailbag, mailbox, mailing machine, make a sacrifice, materia medica, medicament, medication, medicinal, medicinal herbs, medicine, melt away, microbe, microorganism, midge, minim, minutia, minutiae, mislay, misplace, miss, mite, mixture, molecule, mote, mow down, nip, nol-pros, nonprescription drug, noose, nose dive, nose-dive, not pursue with, odds, officinal, omit, ounce, oust, pant, parachute, parachute jump, part with, particle, pass, pass away, pass out, patent medicine, pause, pearl, peg, peg out, pelt, pepper, percolate, percolation, peter out, pharmacon, physic, pick off, pillar box, pinch, pine, pinhead, pinpoint, pistol, pitch, play out, plop, plug, plummet, plummeting, plump, plunge, plunk, point, poleax, poop out, pop off, postbag, postbox, pot, potation, potion, potshoot, potshot, pounce, pounce on, pounce upon, pour down, powder, power dive, precipitate, preparation, prescription drug, prime, proprietary, proprietary medicine, proprietary name, prostrate, puff, puff and blow, pull, pull down, pup, put behind one, put off, quit, quitclaim, rag, rain, raindrop, rake, rapids, rase, raze, recant, recess, regression, reject, relapse, release, relinquish, remission, remove, render up, renounce, repudiate, resign, respite, rest, retract, retreat, retrocession, retrogradation, retrogression, riddle, rise, rope, round, round of drinks, run down, run low, run out, running dive, running start, rusticate, sack, sacrifice, sag, scaffold, scene, scenery, scrap, screen, scrub, seep, seepage, seeping, send headlong, settle, shake, shed, shelve, shoot, shoot at, shoot down, shoot to death, shot, shotgun, shred, shrink, side scene, sidle, silence, simples, sink, sip, skid, skin-dive, sky dive, sky-dive, slack off, slacken, slant, slide, slip, slip out of, slippage, slope, slowdown, slug, slump, smidgen, smidgin, smitch, snifter, snip, snipe, snippet, snort, something extra, something in reserve, sound, spare, spawn, speck, spot, spread-eagle, spurtle, stab to death, stage screw, stake, stand-down, start, stationary dive, stay, step out of, stone, stone to death, stoop, stop, strike, strike dead, subside, subsidence, succumb, suck, suffer loss, sup, supinate, surrender, suspension, swag, swan dive, sway, swear off, sweat, sweating, swig, swill, swoon, swoop, swoop down, syrup, tab, tableau, tail off, take a header, take a potshot, take down, take off, taper off, taste, tear, teardrop, teaser, tend, tend to go, terminate, the chair, theraputant, throw, throw down, throw off, throw over, throw up, tilt, tip, tire, tisane, tittle, topple, tormentor, torpedo, tot, transformation, transformation scene, travail, tree, trend downward, trickle, tricklet, trill, trip, truce, tumble, turn off, undergo privation, undo, unwrap, upper hand, uprise, vacate, vacation, vanishing point, vantage, vantage ground, vantage point, vaporize, vegetable remedies, visit, waive, wander from, wane, waste, waste away, waterfall, weaken, wear, wear away, wear thin, weary, weep, wet, whack down, wheeze, whelp, whip hand, wilt, wing, wingcut, withdraw from, woodcut, yean, yield