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Meaning of JIGGER

Pronunciation:  'jigur

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  larval mite that sucks the blood of vertebrates including human beings causing intense irritation
  2. [n]  any small mast on a sailing vessel; especially the mizzenmast of a yawl
  3. [n]  a small glass adequate to hold a single swallow of whiskey
 Synonyms: chigger, harvest mite, jiggermast, pony, redbug, shot glass
 See Also: drinking glass, genus Trombicula, glass, mast, Trombicula, trombiculiid



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Jig"ger\, n. [A corrupt. of chigre.] (Zo["o]l.)
    A species of flea ({Sarcopsylla, or Pulex, penetrans}), which
    burrows beneath the skin. See {Chigoe}.
  2. \Jig"ger\, n. [See {Jig}, n. & v.]
    1. One who, or that which, jigs; specifically, a miner who
       sorts or cleans ore by the process of jigging; also, the
       sieve used in jigging.
    2. (Pottery)
       (a) A horizontal table carrying a revolving mold, on which
           earthen vessels are shaped by rapid motion; a potter's
       (b) A templet or tool by which vessels are shaped on a
           potter's wheel.
    3. (Naut.)
       (a) A light tackle, consisting of a double and single
           block and the fall, used for various purposes, as to
           increase the purchase on a topsail sheet in hauling it
           home; the watch tackle. --Totten.
       (b) A small fishing vessel, rigged like a yawl. [New Eng.]
       (c) A supplementary sail. See {Dandy}, n., 2
       (b) .
    4. A pendulum rolling machine for slicking or graining
       leather; same as {Jack}, 4
       (i) .
    {Jigger mast}. (Naut.)
       (a) The after mast of a four-masted vessel.
       (b) The small mast set at the stern of a yawl-rigged boat.
  3. \Jig"ger\ (j[i^]g"g[~e]r), n. (Zo["o]l.)
    Any one of several species of small red mites (esp.
    {Tetranychus irritans} and {T. Americanus}) which, in the
    larval or leptus stage, burrow beneath the skin of man and
    various animals, causing great annoyance. [Southern U. S.]
  4. \Jig"ger\, v. t. [Cf. {Jiggle}.]
    To move, send, or drive with a jerk; to jerk; also, to drive
    or send over with a jerk, as a golf ball.
          He could jigger the ball o'er a steeple tall as most
          men would jigger a cop.                  --Harper's
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: affair, angler, article, artifact, cat flea, chigoe, cockroach, concern, crab, dibber, dibbler, dingus, dofunny, dog flea, dohickey, dojigger, dojiggy, domajig, domajigger, doodad, dowhacky, draft, dram, drench, drift netter, drifter, drink, drop, eppes, etwas, fidget, fisher, fisherman, flea, flick, flip, flirt, flounce, flumadiddle, gadget, gargle, gigamaree, gimmick, gizmo, grayback, guddler, guzzle, have the fidgets, hickey, hitch, hootenanny, hootmalalie, itch, jacker, jerk, jig, jigget, jiggle, jog, joggle, jolt, libation, louse, material thing, mite, nip, nit, object, parasite, peg, piscator, piscatorialist, piscatorian, pluck, potation, potion, pull, quelque chose, red bug, roach, round, round of drinks, sand flea, shot, sip, snake, snatch, snifter, snort, something, spot, suck, sup, swig, swill, the compleat angler, thing, thingum, thingumabob, thingumadad, thingumadoodle, thingumajig, thingumajigger, thingumaree, thingummy, trawler, troller, tweak, twitch, vellicate, vermin, weevil, wet, whaler, whatchy, widget, wrench, yank, yerk