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Meaning of FORMULA

Pronunciation:  'formyulu

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  something regarded as a normative example; "the convention of not naming the main character"; "violence is the rule not the exception"; "his formula for impressing visitors"
  2. [n]  (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems; "he determined the upper bound with Descartes' rule of signs"; "he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials"
  3. [n]  a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement
  4. [n]  a conventionalized statement expressing some fundamental principle
  5. [n]  directions for making something
  6. [n]  a representation of a substance using symbols for its constituent elements
  7. [n]  a liquid food for infants
 Synonyms: chemical formula, convention, expression, normal, pattern, recipe, rule
 See Also: algorithm, algorithmic program, algorithmic rule, chemical notation, code of behavior, code of conduct, direction, empirical formula, exponential expression, heuristic, heuristic program, heuristic rule, instruction, mathematical statement, metarule, milk, molecular formula, mores, practice, primitive, procedure, process, recursion, sentential function, statement



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\For"mu*la\, n.; pl. E. {Formulas}, L. {Formul[ae]}.
[L., dim. of forma form, model. See{Form}, n.]
1. A prescribed or set form; an established rule; a fixed or
   conventional method in which anything is to be done,
   arranged, or said.
2. (Eccl.) A written confession of faith; a formal statement
   of foctrines.
3. (Math.) A rule or principle expressed in algebraic
   language; as, the binominal formula.
4. (Med.) A prescription or recipe for the preparation of a
   medicinal compound.
5. (Chem.) A symbolic expression (by means of letters,
   figures, etc.) of the constituents or constitution of a
Note: Chemical formul[ae] consist of the abbreviations of the
      names of the elements, with a small figure at the lower
      right hand, to denote the number of atoms of each
      element contained.
{Empirical formula} (Chem.), an expression which gives the
   simple proportion of the constituents; as, the empirical
   formula of acetic acid is {C2H4O2}.
{Graphic formula}, {Rational formula} (Chem.), an expression
   of the constitution, and in a limited sense of the
   structure, of a compound, by the grouping of its atoms or
   radicals; as, a rational formula of acetic acid is
   {CH3.(C:O).OH}; -- called also {structural formula},
   {constitutional formula}, etc. See also the formula of
   {Benzene nucleus}, under {Benzene}.
{Molecular formula} (Chem.), a formula indicating the
   supposed molecular constitution of a compound.
Computing Dictionary

1. In logic, a sequence of symbols representing terms, predicates, connectives and quantifiers which is either true or false.

2. FORTH Music Language. An extension of FORTH with concurrent note-playing processes. Runs on Macintosh and Atari ST with MIDI output.

["Formula: A Programming Language for Expressive Computer Music", D.P. Anderson et al Computer 24(7):12 (Jul 1991)].

3. Preprocessor language for the Acorn Archimedes, allowing inline high-level statements to be entered in an assembly program. Written in nawk.

Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: a priori truth, act, addend, antilogarithm, argument, axiom, base, bill, binomial, blueprint, brocard, bylaw, canon, ceremonial, ceremony, characteristic, code, coefficient, combination, commandment, complement, congruence, constant, convention, cosine, cotangent, criterion, cube, decimal, decree, denominator, derivative, determinant, dictate, dictation, dictum, difference, differential, directions, discriminate, dividend, divisor, duty, e, edict, enactment, equation, exponent, exponential, factor, form, form of worship, formality, formulary, function, general principle, golden rule, guideline, guiding principle, holy rite, i, imperative, increment, index, institution, instructions, integral, jus, law, law of nature, legislation, lex, liturgy, matrix, maxim, means, measure, method, minuend, mitzvah, MO, mode of worship, modus operandi, moral, multiple, multiplier, mystery, norm, norma, numerator, observance, office, order of nature, order of worship, ordinance, ordonnance, parameter, pattern, permutation, pi, polynomial, postulate, power, practice, prescribed form, prescript, prescription, principium, principle, procedure, Procrustean law, proposition, quaternion, quotient, radical, radix, receipt, recipe, reciprocal, regulation, remainder, rite, ritual, ritual observance, rituality, root, rubric, rule, ruling, sacrament, sacramental, secant, self-evident truth, service, set form, settled principle, sine, solemnity, standard, standing order, statute, submultiple, subtrahend, tangent, technique, tenet, tensor, theorem, truism, truth, universal law, universal truth, variable, vector, versine, way, working principle, working rule