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Pronunciation:  di'turmununt

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a determining or causal element or factor; "education is an important determinant of one's outlook on life"
  2. [n]  a square matrix used to solve simultaneous equations
  3. [adj]  having the power or quality of deciding; "the crucial experiment"; "cast the deciding vote"; "the determinative (or determinant) battle"
 Synonyms: causal factor, crucial, deciding(a), decisive, determinative, determinative, determiner, determining factor, determining(a)
 See Also: clincher, cognitive factor, decisive factor, influence, square matrix



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \De*ter"mi*nant\, a. [L. determinans, p. pr. of
    determinare: cf. F. d['e]terminant.]
    Serving to determine or limit; determinative.
  2. \De*ter"mi*nant\, n.
    1. That which serves to determine; that which causes
    2. (Math.) The sum of a series of products of several
       numbers, these products being formed according to certain
       specified laws;
    Note: thus, the determinant of the nine numbers a, b, c,a',
          b', c',a'', b'', c'', is a b' c'' - a b'' c' + a' b''
          c] - a' b c'' + a'' b' c. The determinant is written by
          placing the numbers from which it is formed in a square
          between two vertical lines. The theory of determinants
          forms a very important branch of modern mathematics.
    3. (Logic) A mark or attribute, attached to the subject or
       predicate, narrowing the extent of both, but rendering
       them more definite and precise. --Abp. Thomson.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: allele, allelomorph, Altmann theory, antecedent, antecedents, authority, base, basis, birth, border line, bordering, borderline, bound, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bounding, bourn, break boundary, breakoff point, call, causation, cause, cause and effect, ceiling, character, chromatid, chromatin, chromosome, circumscription, coastal, compass, confine, cutoff, cutoff point, De Vries theory, deadline, delimitation, determinative, determiner, determining, diathesis, division line, DNA, element, end, endowment, etiology, eugenics, extreme, extremity, factor, finish, floor, fringing, frontier, Galtonian theory, gene, genesiology, genetic code, genetics, ground, grounds, hedge, hereditability, heredity, heritability, heritage, high-water mark, inborn capacity, influence, inheritability, inheritance, interface, limbic, limen, liminal, limit, limitation, limiting, limiting factor, line, line of demarcation, littoral, lower limit, low-water mark, march, marginal, mark, matrocliny, Mendelianism, Mendelism, mete, occasion, patrocliny, pharmacogenetics, principle, reason, recessive character, replication, rimming, RNA, skirting, start, starting line, starting point, stimulus, target date, term, terminal, terminal date, terminus, threshold, time allotment, upper limit, Verworn theory, weight, Weismann theory, Weismannism, Wiesner theory