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Pronunciation:  'krowmu`sowm

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  a threadlike body in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order
 See Also: acentric chromosome, acrocentric chromosome, autosome, body, cell nucleus, centromere, chromatid, factor, gene, karyon, kinetochore, metacentric chromosome, nucleolar organiser, nucleolar organizer, nucleolus organiser, nucleolus organizer, nucleus, sex chromosome, somatic chromosome, telocentric chromosome, telomere



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Chro"mo*some`\, n. [Gr. ? color + ? the body.]
One of the minute bodies into which the chromatin of the
nucleus is resolved during mitotic cell division; the {idant}
of Weismann.
Medical Dictionary
 Definition: A structure in a cell nucleus that consists of genes. In humans, 23 pairs of chromosomes, each pair containing one chromosome from each parent, carry the entire genetic code.
  1. A single DNA molecule, a tightly coiled strant of DNA, condensed into a compact structure in vivo by complexing with accessory histones or histone-like proteins. Chromosomes exist in pairs in higher eukaryotes. (See Chromosome walking)
  2. The self-replicating genetic structure of cells containing the cellular DNA that bears in its nucleotide sequence the linear array of genes. In prokaryotes, chromosomal DNA is circular, and the entire genome is carried on one chromosome. Eukaryotic genomes consist of a number of chromosomes whose DNA is associated with different kinds of proteins.
  3. a body in the nucleus of the cell that contains the hereditary material.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accessory chromosome, allele, allelomorph, allosome, Altmann theory, autosome, birth, centromere, character, chromatid, chromatin, chromosome complement, chromosome number, De Vries theory, determinant, determiner, diathesis, diploid number, DNA, endowment, euchromosome, eugenics, factor, Galtonian theory, gene, genesiology, gene-string, genetic code, genetics, genome, haploid number, hereditability, heredity, heritability, heritage, heterochromosome, homologous chromosomes, idiochromosome, inborn capacity, inheritability, inheritance, matrocliny, Mendelianism, Mendelism, monosome, patrocliny, pharmacogenetics, polyploidy, recessive character, replication, RNA, sex chromosome, univalent chromosome, Verworn theory, W chromosome, Weismann theory, Weismannism, Wiesner theory, X chromosome, Y chromosome, Z chromosome