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Meaning of GENOME

Pronunciation:  'jeenowm

WordNet Dictionary
 Definition: [n]  one haploid set of chromosomes with the genes they contain; the full DNA sequence of an organism
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 See Also: protein molecule



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This accessible popular science book takes readers on a tour of the human genome, focusing each chapter on a newly discovered gene on the human body`s 23 chromosomes, and discusses the implications of the controversial Human Genome Project`s early findings. This examination also surveys the history and future of genetic research, while stressing that interrelationships between genes are far more complex than recent trends linking specific genes to diseases may suggest.

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Medical Dictionary
 Definition: The entire collection of genes.
Biology Dictionary
 Definition: All the genetic material in the chromosomes of a particular organism; its size is generally given as its total number of base pairs.
  1. The genetic complement contained in the chromosomes of a given organism, usually the haploid chromosome state.
  2. All the genetic material in the chromosomes of a particular organism; its size is generally given as its total number of base pairs.
  3. all the genes carried by a single gamete.