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Meaning of DIVIDEND

Pronunciation:  'divi`dend

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a bonus; something extra (especially a share of a surplus)
  2. [n]  that part of the earnings of a corporation that is distributed to its shareholders; usually paid quarterly
  3. [n]  a number to be divided by another number
 See Also: bonus, divvy, earnings, equalizing dividend, extra dividend, incentive, lucre, net, net income, net profit, number, numerator, profit, profits, stock dividend



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Div"i*dend\, n. [L. dividendum thing to be divided,
neut. of the gerundive of dividere: cf. F. dividende.]
1. A sum of money to be divided and distributed; the share of
   a sum divided that falls to each individual; a distribute
   sum, share, or percentage; -- applied to the profits as
   appropriated among shareholders, and to assets as
   apportioned among creditors; as, the dividend of a bank, a
   railway corporation, or a bankrupt estate.
2. (Math.) A number or quantity which is to be divided.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accrued dividends, accumulated dividends, allotment, allowance, avails, balance, big end, bigger half, bit, bite, bonus, box office, budget, capital gains, carrot, cash dividend, chunk, cleanup, clear profit, commission, commissions, contingent, credit, credits, cumulative dividend, cut, deal, destiny, disposable income, dividends, dole, earned income, earnings, end, equal share, extra, extra dividend, fate, filthy lucre, gain, gains, gate, gate receipts, get, gettings, gleanings, gratuity, gross, gross income, gross profit, gross receipts, guerdon, half, halver, helping, hoard, income, intake, interest, interim dividend, killing, lagniappe, leftover, lot, lucre, make, makings, margin, measure, meed, melon, mess, modicum, moiety, neat profit, net, net income, net profit, net receipts, optional dividend, output, overage, overmeasure, overplus, overrun, overset, overstock, oversupply, paper profits, part, pelf, percentage, perk, perks, perquisite, phony dividend, pickings, piece, plum, plus, portion, pourboire, premium, prize, proceeds, produce, profit, profits, proportion, quantum, quota, rake-off, ration, receipt, receipts, receivables, regular dividend, remainder, return, returns, revenue, royalties, royalty, segment, share, slice, small share, something extra, spare, special dividend, stake, stock, stock dividend, store, surplus, surplusage, take, take-in, takings, tip, unearned income, wealth, winnings, yield