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Pronunciation:  'purkwizit

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right); "suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males"
  2. [n]  an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment (especially if it is regarded as a right); "a limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job"
 Synonyms: exclusive right, fringe benefit, perk, prerogative, privilege
 See Also: apanage, appanage, backsheesh, baksheesh, bakshis, bakshish, benefit, easement, gratuity, pourboire, privilege of the floor, right, tip



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
\Per"qui*site\, n. [L. perquisitum, fr. perquisitus,
p. p. of perquirere to ask for diligently; per + quaerere to
seek. See {Per-}, and {Quest}.]
1. Something gained from a place or employment over and above
   the ordinary salary or fixed wages for services rendered;
   especially, a fee allowed by law to an officer for a
   specific service.
         The pillage of a place taken by storm was regarded
         as the perquisite of the soldiers.    --Prescott.
         The best perquisites of a place are the advantages
         it gaves a man of doing good.         --Addison.
2. pl. (Law) Things gotten by a man's own industry, or
   purchased with his own money, as opposed to things which
   come to him by descent. --Mozley & W.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: accessories, appanages, appendages, appointments, appurtenances, belongings, blackmail, bonus, bonus system, boodle, booty, bounty, bribe, capital gains, choses, choses in action, choses in possession, choses local, choses transitory, cleanup, clear profit, consideration, dividends, donative, double time, earnings, fee, filthy lucre, fringe benefit, gain, gains, get, gettings, gleanings, graft, gratuity, gravy, grease, gross, gross profit, haul, hoard, honorarium, hot goods, incentive pay, income, inducement, interest, killing, lagniappe, largess, liberality, loot, lucre, makings, material things, movables, neat profit, net, net profit, overtime pay, palm oil, paper profits, paraphernalia, pelf, percentage, perk, perks, perquisites, personal effects, pickings, plunder, pork barrel, pourboire, premium, prize, proceeds, profit, profits, public till, public trough, rake-off, receipts, return, returns, salve, solatium, something extra, spoil, spoils, spoils of office, sportula, squeeze, stealings, stolen goods, store, swag, sweetener, take, take-in, things, till, tip, trappings, Trinkgeld, wealth, winnings