Meaning of DISPLAY
Pronunciation: | | di'spley
Matching Terms: | | displace, Displaceable, displaced fracture, displaced person, displacement, displacement reaction, displacement unit, Displacency, Displacer, Displant, Displantation, Displat, display adapter, display adaptor, display board, display case, display hack, display panel, Display PostScript, Display Screen Equipment, display standard, display standards, display terminal, display window, Displayed, Displayer, displaying incompetence
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | | 1. monitor. 2. A vector of pointers to activation records. The Nth element points to the activation record containing variables declared at lexical depth N. This allows faster access to variables from outer scopes than the alternative of linked activation records (but most variable accesses are either local or global or occasionally to the immediately enclosing scope). Displays were used in some ALGOL implementations. |
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | advertise, affect, air, airing, anteriority, antique, apparent character, appearances, approve, argue, array, attest, bandying, be indicative of, be significant of, be symptomatic of, beam, beat signal, bespeak, betoken, betray, black letter, blackface, blazon, blazon forth, blips, bold, bold front, boldface, book, bounces, brandish, brave face, brave front, bravura, breathe, brilliancy, bring forth, bring forward, bring into view, bring out, bring to notice, broach, broadcast, broadcasting, bruiting, bruiting about, Century, ceremony, characterize, circulation, condensed, connote, cosmorama, CRT spot, cursive, cyclorama, dangle, daring, dash, demonstrate, demonstration, denominate, denote, develop, differentiate, diffusion, diorama, disclose, disport, dissemination, divulge, DM display, Doppler signal, Doric, double-dot display, dramatics, dramatize, echo, echo signal, eclat, Egyptian, elan, Elzevir, emblazon, embody, enact, enactment, entail, etalage, evidence, evince, evulgation, exhibit, exhibition, exhibitionism, expanded, expose, expose to view, exposition, exposure, express, extended, exteriors, external appearance, externals, facade, face, facet, facia, false front, fanfare, fanfaronade, figure, flair, flash, flaunt, flaunting, flourish, fore, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart, forequarter, foreside, foreword, front, front elevation, front man, front matter, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontispiece, furnish evidence, Garamond, gaudiness, georama, give evidence, give indication of, give out, give sign, give token, go to show, Gothic, grandeur, grotesque, head, heading, highlight, hint, histrionics, hold up, identify, IF signal, illuminate, illustrate, IM display, imply, incarnate, indicate, involve, Ionic, issuance, issue, italic, lap, lay out, light show, lightface, local oscillator signal, magnificence, make clear, make known, make plain, make public, manifest, manifestation, mark, materialize, mean, mere externals, meretriciousness, modern, myriorama, note, obverse, offer, old style, open, open up, opening, ostent, ostentation, ostentatiousness, output signal, outward appearance, outward show, pageant, pageantry, panoply, panorama, parade, perform, performance, periodical, phantasmagoria, picture, pips, point to, pomp, preface, prefix, present, presentation, presentment, pretension, pretentiousness, printing, priority, produce, production, projection, promulgation, propagation, proscenium, psychedelic show, public image, publication, publicize, publishing, put forth, put forward, put out, radar signal, reading, reflection, represent, representation, retrospective, return, return signal, reveal, revelation, RF echoes, roll out, roman, sans serif, script, set forth, setout, sham, shifting scene, shine, show, show forth, show off, show signs of, showiness, showing, showing-off, sight, signal, signal display, signalize, signify, speak for itself, speak volumes, speciousness, spectacle, splash, splendor, splurge, sport, spot, spotlight, spread, spreading, spreading abroad, stage show, staginess, stand for, suggest, superficiality, surface appearance, surface show, symptomatize, symptomize, tableau, tableau vivant, target image, telecasting, tell, tend to show, testify, theatrics, token, trace, Transitional, transmitter signal, trot out, trumpet, trumpet forth, type styles, Typewriter, unclothe, uncover, unfold, unfolding, unfoldment, unfurl, unveil, unveiling, vain show, varnishing day, vaunt, ventilate, ventilation, vernissage, video signal, wave, window dressing |