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Meaning of CURSIVE

Pronunciation:  'kursiv

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [n]  rapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and cursively connected within words without lifting the writing implement from the paper
  2. [adj]  having successive letter joined together; "cursive script"
 Synonyms: longhand, running hand, written
 See Also: copperplate, hand, handwriting, italic, round hand, script



Webster's 1913 Dictionary
  1. \Cur"sive\ (k?r"s?v), a. [LL. cursivus: cf. F. cursif
    See {Cursitor}.]
    Running; flowing.
    {Cursive hand},a running handwriting.
  2. \Cur"sive\, n.
    1. A character used in cursive writing.
    2. A manuscript, especially of the New Testament, written in
       small, connected characters or in a running hand; --
       opposed to uncial. --Shipley.
Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: autograph, autographic, block letter, bold hand, book hand, calligraphic, chancery hand, chirographic, copperplate hand, cursive hand, effortless, engrossed, flowing, fluent, graphic, graphoanalytic, graphologic, graphometric, holograph, holographic, in longhand, in shorthand, in writing, inscribed, Italian hand, italic, italicized, law hand, lettering, longhand, majuscule script, manuscript, minuscule script, on paper, penciled, penned, printed, printing, round hand, running, scriptorial, scriptural, shorthand, smooth, Spencerian writing, stylographic, text hand, uncial, written