Meaning of COOL
Pronunciation: | | kool
Computing Dictionary |
| Definition: | |
1. Concurrent Object-Oriented Language. 2. CLIPS Object-Oriented Language? 3. A C++ class library developed at Texas Instruments. COOL contains a set of containers like Vectors, List, Hash_Table, etc. It uses a shallow hierarchy with no common base class. The functionality is close to Common Lisp data structures (like libg++). The template syntax is very close to Cfront3.x and g++2.x. Can build shared libraries on Suns. JCOOL's main difference from COOL and GECOOL is that it uses real C++ templates instead of a similar syntax that is preprocessed by a special 'cpp' distributed with COOL and GECOOL. GECOOL, JCOOL: . E-mail: Van-Duc Nguyen <[email protected]>
Combined object-oriented Language. An object-oriented language from the ITHACA Esprit project, which combines C-based languages with database technology.
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Thesaurus Terms |
| Related Terms: | | abate, abnegation, above all that, absolute zero, abstinence, ace-high, affectless, aguey, aguish, air-condition, air-cool, algid, algidity, allay, aloof, anesthetized, apathetic, aplomb, appease, arctic, arrest, arrogant, assassinate, assured, at rest, audacious, autistic, aweless, awelessness, backward, bad, balance, balanced, balanced personality, bang-up, bashful, bitterness, blank, bleakness, blue with cold, blunt, bold, bonzer, boss, bracing, brazen, bridle, briskness, Buddha-like composure, bully, bump off, bumptious, but good, calculated, calm, calm disposition, calm down, calm of mind, calmness, catatonic, chattering, check, chill, chilled, chilliness, chilling, chilly, chromatic, cloistered, cold, cold as charity, cold-blooded, coldhearted, coldness, collect, collected, colorific, coloring, commonsense, compose, composed, composure, conciliate, confident, conservatism, constancy, constrain, constrained, constraint, contain, continence, control, controlled, contumelious, cool off, coolheaded, coolheadedness, cooling, coolish, coolness, coolth, corking, countenance, crackerjack, cradle, crispness, cryogenics, cryology, curb, curtail, damp, dampen, dandy, decelerate, decrease in temperature, deflect, defuse, deliberate, delicious, detached, deter, dichromatic, diminish, disaccordant, disaffect, discourage, discreet, disdainful, disincline, disinterest, dispassion, dispassionate, distant, distract, dithery, divert, divine, do in, dompt, drugged, ducky, dulcify, dull, dust off, dwindling, ease, easy mind, ebbing, emotionally dead, emotionless, enjoin, equable, equilibrium, even, even out, evenness, even-tempered, even-tenored, exclusive, execute, expectation, expected, expecting, expressionless, fab, familiar, fast, fastness, fervorless, fiducial, fine and dandy, finish, firm, firm as Gibraltar, firmness, forbidding, forward, freezing, freezing point, fresh, freshen, freshness, frigid, frigidity, frosted, frostiness, frosty, frozen, frozen to death, gear, gelid, gelidity, gentle, gentleness, glorious, glowing, golden mean, govern, great, groovy, guard, guarded, halcyon, half-frozen, halfhearted, happy medium, harmonious, heartless, heavy, hinder, hold, hold at bay, hold back, hold fast, hold in, hold in check, hold in leash, hold up, hubristic, hunky-dory, hush, hushed, ice, ice-cool, iciness, icy, icy calm, immovable, impartiality, impassible, impassive, impersonal, impertinent, imperturbability, imperturbable, imperturbation, impudent, in equilibrium, inaccessible, inclemency, incompatible, indifferent, indispose, indisturbance, inexcitability, inexcitable, infrigidate, inhibit, inhospitable, inimical, insolent, insulting, insusceptible, intense cold, introverted, invariability, invigorating, isolated, jam-up, judiciousness, just dandy, juste-milieu, keen, keenness, keep, keep back, keep from, keep in, keep in check, keep under control, knock off, Laodicean, lay, lay the dust, lay under restraint, lenity, lessen, levelheaded, level-headed, liquidate, logical, low temperature, lukewarm, lull, many-colored, marvy, matching, mean, meden agan, medley, mental composure, middle way, mildness, moderate, moderateness, moderation, moderationism, modest, moldering, mollify, monochromatic, monochrome, monochromic, motley, neat, nerve, neuter, neutral, neutrality, nifty, nip, nippiness, nippy, nobby, nodding acceptance, nonamazedness, nonamazement, nonastonishment, nonchalant, nonemotional, nonmarveling, nonviolence, nonwonder, nonwondering, nothing in excess, objective, obtrusive, obtuse, offish, OK, okay, Olympian, Oriental calm, out of sight, out of touch, overconfident, overpresumptuous, overweening, pacific, pacifism, pacify, passionless, peace of mind, peaceable, peaceful, peacefulness, peachy, peachy-keen, perfunctory, philosophic composure, philosophical, philosophicalness, philosophy, phlegmatic, pigmentary, placate, placid, placidity, poise, polychromatic, pour balm into, pour balm on, practical, pragmatic, predictable, premeditated, presuming, presumptuous, prismatic, procacious, prohibit, propitiate, prudence, pull, pull in, purposeful, purposive, pushy, put away, put off, quell, quench, quiescent, quiet, quiet mind, quietude, rainbow, rational, rawness, reasonable, reduce, refresh, refreshing, refrigerate, rein, rein in, relaxed, reliability, reliable, remote, removed, repel, repose, reposeful, reposing, repress, repressed, reserved, rest, restful, resting, restrain, restrained, restraint, retard, reticent, retiring, retrench, rigor, ripping, rock, rock to sleep, rootedness, rum, sane, sangfroid, sang-froid, scrumptious, secluded, seclusive, secure, secureness, security, sedateness, self-abnegation, self-absorbed, self-control, self-controlled, self-denial, self-possessed, self-restraint, sensational, sensible, sequestered, sequestrated, serene, serenity, set back, severity, shaky, shameless, sharp air, sharpness, sheltered, shivering, shivery, shrinking, simmer down, slap-up, slow down, smashing, smooth, smooth down, smooth over, smoothen, smother, snub, sober, sober-minded, sobriety, solid, solidity, solitary, something else, soothe, soothingness, soulless, sound, soundness, spectral, spiffing, spiffy, spiritless, stability, stabilize, stable, stable equilibrium, stable state, standoff, standoffish, steadfast, steadfastness, steadiness, steady, steady nerves, steady state, still, still as death, stillish, stilly, stimulating, stoic, stolid, strained, straiten, stunning, subdue, subdued, subsiding, substantial, substantiality, suppress, suppressed, swell, temperance, temperate, temperateness, tense, tepid, tinctorial, tingent, toning, tough, tranquil, tranquilize, tranquillity, turn aside, turn away, turn from, turn off, unabashed, unaffable, unaffectionate, unagitated, unamazed, unamazedness, unamazement, unamiable, unamicable, unapproachable, unastonished, unastonishment, unastounded, unawed, unbewildered, uncompanionable, unconcerned, uncongenial, uncordial, undazed, undazzled, undeflectability, undemonstrative, under control, undisturbed, undumbfounded, unemotional, unexcessiveness, unexcitable, unexcited, unexpansive, unextravagance, unextremeness, unfeeling, unflappable, unflinching, unfriendly, ungenial, unharmonious, unheated, uniformity, unimpassioned, unimpressed, unimpressibleness, unimpressionable, uninterested, uninvolved, unloving, unmarveling, unmoved, unpassionate, unperturbed, unresponding, unresponsive, unruffled, unruffledness, unshakable, unshakable nerves, unshakableness, unsociable, unstirring, unsurprise, unsurprised, unsurprisedness, unsusceptible, unsympathetic, untouchable, untroubled, unwavering, unwondering, uppish, uppity, variegated, ventilate, via media, waning, warm, wean from, well-balanced, with chattering teeth, withdrawn, withhold, without nerves, wizard, wonderless, wonderlessness, zealless |