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Meaning of AT REST

WordNet Dictionary
  1. [adv]  in a relaxed position, of soldiers; "the soldiers were standing at ease"
  2. [adj]  not in physical motion; "the inertia of an object at rest"
 Synonyms: at ease, inactive, motionless, nonmoving, static, still, unmoving



Thesaurus Terms
 Related Terms: abed, asleep, asleep in Jesus, at ease, at home, bereft of life, breathless, called home, calm, carrion, cloistered, cool, croaked, dead, dead and gone, death-struck, deceased, defunct, demised, departed, departed this life, destitute of life, done for, dwindling, easy, ebbing, even-tenored, exanimate, fallen, finished, food for worms, gone, gone to glory, gone west, halcyon, hushed, impassive, in bed, inanimate, isolated, late, late lamented, launched into eternity, lifeless, martyred, moldering, no more, pacific, passed on, peaceable, peaceful, placid, pushing up daisies, quiescent, quiet, relaxed, released, reposeful, reposing, restful, resting, resting easy, resting in peace, sainted, secluded, sequestered, sequestrated, sheltered, sleeping, smitten with death, smooth, still, still as death, stillborn, stillish, stilly, stoic, stolid, subsiding, taken away, taken off, tranquil, unagitated, underground, undisturbed, unmoved, unperturbed, unruffled, unstirring, untroubled, waning, with the Lord, with the saints, without life, without vital functions